I am impressed by the high level of flu deaths in from the mid-1980s to the mid-2000s, at a time when "vaccination" level was high. It seems that "vaccination" level is statistically independent of flu mortality rates: just not effective.

And, as my wife would argue, very unsafe. She was injured by the fall 2019 flu jab, which she believes was a dry run for the COVID jab. She has ongoing vasculitis.

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Excellent post.

People never die of the flu.

It is labeled as "flu like symptoms".

There can not be a flu vaccines

We need a fear vaccine.

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Just goes to show that there has yet to be a cure for the common cold and by extension the flu. Albeit a cold and the flu are different but do have some overlap. Unfortunately, both of these ailments mutuate very quickly and the medical community is always playing catch-up. The real key to combating these diseases is to work on one's immune system. This is the key to sustainable health. Pax

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I don't know if it is a cure, but my wife and I take the Chinese herbal tea banlangen at the first symptoms of a cold; it usually disappears within a few hours.

We get those symptoms less frequently now, as we have increased our vitamin D and zinc intake, and use the nasal spray Xlear when we go out in public.

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You’re boosting your immune system 👍

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No longer do D.

Heard toxic reports about these pills from Dr. Cowan and others.

Only the sun for me.

Even in winter I sit near an open window or door, if not outside

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"Cure", is there such a thing? If there was, would it be allowed to enter the market?

Are we designed to be able to overcome infection, and in the process build up resiliance against a future infection and possibly other pathogens? If we stop/thwart/throttle those infections using "vaccines" in any and all their forms, will we make our bodies weaker and more volunerable to other, maybe more pathogenic microbes?

I agree with you in supporting one's immune system.

I have found that certain modalities had relatively quick acting and effective "cures" over 150 years ago, but the medical-education-licensing establishment ensured they didn't take hold.

Big pHarma products concern me more than any virus.

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Interesting how the Fauci et al article is basically a push for next-gen vaccine tech, while at the same time tacitly admitting failure of the old tech. It is a masterstroke of deception in my opinion, & not the first one I've come across.

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Great post Roman! Peter Doshi has a number of great journal articles on this topic, one being “Influenza vaccines: time for a rethink”; not only are the shots ineffective but only around 1/6 labs tested from people reporting with flu-like illness actually had flu. So even if the flu vaccines worked 100% effectively, total coverage would be rather pointless. And since we know they aren’t 100% effective and also carry risks, the decision to not use them should be obvious. Keep up the great work!

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Just walked past a pharmacy an hour ago. They had a 6 foot tall advertisement out on the sidewalk pushing the latest flu jab. The headline read: Shield Yourself From Flu Viruses. Big profits in these jabs.

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Yup! This stuff has been pushed for decades, but no big push for sunshine (vitamin D), exercise, eating properly, rest, etc. Why? Virtually zero profits for anyone.

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A couple of corrections to the references section.

Chapter B, Vital Statistics and Health and Medical Care, Vital Statistics, B 149-166, p. 58, https://www2.census.gov/prod2/statcomp/documents/CT1970p1-03.pdf

Leading Causes of Death, 1900-1998, https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/53236

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Have you read Invisible Rainbow by Firstenberg?

Influenza is caused by EMF energy.

Mind-blowing research and graphs, like your book.

That doubles the vaxx fraud.

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No I haven't read it although I know of it.

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Firstenberg's book is very interesting. It prompted me to make this data point entry on my pandemic timeline - check out the graph:


He makes claims about the 1918 electrification, but as yet I've not been able to confirm his data. Some of his refrerences are hard to follow.

My take on 1918 has been mass aspirin usage, mass bacterial sludge vaccines, especially in the military, masking, fear and classification of cause of death. So many similarities to COVID-19 pandemic


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I did look into the 1918 “Spanish flu” but couldn’t find a fabulous smoking gun. A couple of things to consider is that it predominately affected healthy younger men but not the children and elderly, which is the opposite of what most “flu” are expected to do. People often died rapidly, turning blue, and it apparently appeared all over the world at a time when there wasn’t rapid international travel. This doesn’t seem to fit with the “electrification” theory. It fits, perhaps, with the experimental vaccines they were pushing everywhere, although I didn’t find strong supporting evidence. And never underestimate medical “error” (large doses of aspirin – how much was being given?) as a significant factor.

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Appears to be the best review on the (now known to be) toxic and likely lethal aspirin doses recommended by various authorities, especially for example Western military authorities.

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After you read it, ask yourself: What caused the flu before the invention of manmade EMF?

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Diseases may have various social causes.

What happened to Legionnaires Disease or H1N1?

The level of toxins in the ground may be a factor.

Every school in NYC closed with H1N1 was within a Block of a certified State Spill Site.

The last LD event was at a hotel in the South Bronx.

Diseases can prevent the total collapse of a neighborhood.

Then just throw in a vaxx$ to boot.

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Legionnaires Disease is another medical hoax.

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I guess that you did not read the book.

The Great Barrington event was not from man-made EMF.

There are cosmic EMF events.

You state:

"Some people desperately want to blame illnesses & diseases on manmade EMF and yet the published studies that claim EMF as a cause did not use any adequate controls (if any at all) and were not duplicated or independently verified."

Which studies? The CDC? The WHO?

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I did read the book and it was mostly sensationalistic nonsense. Fear-porn to the max.

Here's your opportunity to provide a link to your strongest, published scientific evidence that manmade-EMF harms humans. Make sure the study utilized adequate controls and make sure the study was repeated & verified by independent researchers not connected to the original study. And indeed, don't bother with any studies from the CDC or WHO.

Eager to see it!

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Give me a quote and page number that caused you concern.

I agree with most of your "what ifs". It's a great collection.

The idea that profit would not preempt corporate concerns over the safety of their own family members is disproven by the Covid agenda and vaxxines.

EMF cosmic energy might be confused with the retribution of a God. But that is not an argument of denial.

Describe the graphs in the book that show a direct relationship with the advances of electricity and suspected disease events.

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Here's your opportunity to provide a link to your strongest, published scientific evidence that manmade-EMF harms humans. Make sure the study utilized adequate controls and make sure the study was repeated & verified by independent researchers not connected to the original study.

There is nothing in the book that was verified by independent researchers. Surely you can find a study of invisible waves that was verified by other labs/research facilities? Here's your opportunity to provide links to such studies. Do it!

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Drop everything.

Here is your next installment.

When Covid arrived 5G arrived in the same year as the recent 11 year sun spot activity 2019.

Flu "disappeared" replaced by Covid.

Pandemics arrived around the world when there was no transportation to share a contagion including the Black Plague.

Ancients knew about the cosmic influences ergo, Influenza.

Spanish flu originated in Kansas military base where wireless radio was first used.

It appeared in all countries of the Empires following WW l where wireless appeared in the Colonies during the War.

Half of the book is references with awesome graphs.


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What if there was no covid?

What if there has never been a pandemic?

What if we don't actually "catch" any illnesses or diseases? Yes, we get ill & diseased, but what if we don't "catch" them and what if they are not actually "spread"?

What if all so-called pandemics throughout history have been government/empire fear-porn propaganda to scare the population into compliance with lockdowns & curfews & quarantines & ostracizations?

Have you studied what was going on historically & sociologically in England when the so-called Black Plague began?

What if there was no Spanish Flu? What if the illness, attributed to a "virus", was actually caused by mass vaccinations for Typhoid & Yellow Fever? Was the military vaccinated first before the general population? Did it happen on the heels of WW1?

What if God has been erroneously getting the blame for illnesses & diseases that are and have been actually caused by manmade toxins & pollution & fear-porn-induced stress & worry?

What if God created bacteria to be janitors who only eat dead cells & tissue and never attack living cells & tissue?

What if God's bacteria do not cause contagious illnesses or diseases?

A "virus" has been described as literally being ONE MILLION times smaller than a human being -- can you name any other example in Nature where a creature one million times smaller than its prey can actually harm & kill a creature ONE MILLION times BIGGER than it?

What if illnesses & diseases come from within you rather than from outside of you?

Some people desperately want to blame illnesses & diseases on manmade EMF and yet the published studies that claim EMF as a cause did not use any adequate controls (if any at all) and were not duplicated or independently verified. They were all initiated by people who are adamant their hypothesis is right -- by people with a dog in the race. Their interpretative data & conclusions are based on epidemiological observations. They show no attempts at experimentation to prove a cause. They just gather stats which in and of themselves do not prove a cause.

Now it's certainly conceivable that manmade EMF could be harming plants & insects & birds & bats, and if this could be proven, then EMF should be cancelled.

As for manmade EMF causing problems for humans >> It's certainly possible that SOME humans could be aversely affected, but I haven't been affected, and I haven't seen any studies that prove it is harmful on a massive scale. And hey, if it does turn out that it's harming humans on a large scale, then it needs to be stopped. I could very easily live without cell phones & WiFi & tv & radio....

My main go-to argument about EMF is that the so-called evil ones who make it available are also humans and have human children & grandchildren & spouses & moms & dads & buddies -- I suppose they have secret technology they use to protect themselves -- to protect all their friends & family? And they've all been able to keep it a secret?


People don't wanna own up to their own conditions & lifestyle & diets & psychological weather as the cause of their maladies and are therefore happy to blame outside forces for making them ill.

EMF as a cause of illness has not been proven.

Vaccines as a cause of illness & death HAVE been proven.

There was no covid. There was no new version of the flu. It was 100% a campaign of fear perpetuated by the MSM, governments, celebrities, and those who believed they had been made ill by a mythological novel virus.

When the mortality rates rose starting in 2020, they were due to hospitalizations involving Remdesivir, Midazolam, and ventilators (and not the flu or covid) -- and then when the vax rolled out, that's when the death rate really shot up. I work on a High Street and there were ambulances screaming by literally every 5 -10 minutes throughout each and every day beginning around autumn of 2021. All of my customers who died suddenly had been recently vaccinated.

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Note my recent posting

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Noted and dismissed with prejudice.

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How are these vaccines a failure? Since many people died or became chronically ill because of them, I'd say the eugenics agenda is still thriving.

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Supposedly flu vaccines have been given out (especially in the military) since the late 1940s (!!) TBQH I don't remember ever hearing about, getting, or being offered a "flu vaccine" until the early 2000's. Alluvasudden it was everywhere, posters were hanging in the office break room that you could get a free flu shot, signs were at every pharmacy, etc. I could never understand why anyone would even bother with a "flu shot". Who cares if you get the flu?

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I’ve met people who insist they stopped getting bad flus once they took the flu shot. Or they say it would have been worse without it. But generally, I find that people that do have it tend to catch flus more easily. If it’s come on top of a series of covid shots, not recently but even in previous years, they often end up with coughs that just don’t seem to go away and can last for months. I haven’t had flu in decades. I don’t take anything as a prevention. But I do manage my susceptibility.

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Which references do you challenge in the book from the 400 pages of references in the book?

Sounds like you have made up your mind and not prepared for a paradigm shift.

I understand your comfort in that zone.


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What happened to that guy Brian who wrote The Covid Blog? Site hasn't been updated in over 6 months.

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