And a reminder that psychiatry and psychology (like virology) are just made-up professions based on nothing at all but opinion.

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Roman this monstrous behaviour by the “medical” “profession” is difficult to read. Shining a light on it is sobering. How those armed with “first do no harm” could, even with the purest of motives condone such practices is hard to understand. You would think that anyone with a modicum of compassion and respect for the individual would have travelled down a different path.

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My reflection was each generation looking back makes this observation and I wondered how our generation of medical practitioners will be perceived with their crude theories of vaccination and some of the other curious ideas on the path to health that have popular currency. A sober warning to avoid ideologues and remain open minded.

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I knew pregnant women, unmarried, got put away into asylums. They probably were classed as nymphomaniacs. I never linked the words hysteria and hysterectomy before. Pity we're not taught greek and latin alongside english. These horrible doctors, wouldn't surprise me if they kept a hysterical mistress on the side, for their own pleasure as no doubt their wives would not dare show any reaction during sex in case they got labelled and incarcerated. Close your eyes and think of England!

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Thank you for mentioning 'Hereditary determinism'. Another 'science' that is more sophistry than reality. There are huge gaps in the 'genome describes you' theology. Genetic traits might be accurate for hair, eyes, height and a few other attributes, but there is no evidence that 'disease' is hereditary, nor that the genome is 'deterministic'. Epigenetics is one reason (amongst many), why 'Hereditary determinism' is Scientism and false. Yet the 'medical science' still pushes it (and its bastard offspring eugenics which takes many forms).

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Very Well Said, thank you.

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What a horrible anti-woman history! Unfortunately, many shadows of it remain. Women are often still not heard or respected.

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Thank-you for reminding us of some important medical history. Many of us can barely remember last week.

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Kellogg's Corn Flakes for breakfast are not an effective treatment for hysteria in teen boys. I know this first hand.

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"Box-bed in which a naked woman lived forty-three years” (1861-1904)"

The photo and related caption re: this cage are horrifying and confounding. I would so love to learn more about the poor woman who lived this nightmare of a life. No luck finding anything with an internet search. ????

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Homo sapiens meaning the wise human, I think we should be renamed as the mad human. I am surprised we have not self-destructed before now. What a horror story where the lunatics were running the asylum.

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Government experiments. Vaccine & Medicine development, promotion and real efficacy. An eye opening story for me was The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Where do you start and finish? There is enough subject matter like this to fill a library. Great work! Thank you👏

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Are you, or your readers, aware of https://controlstudies.substack.com - basically, doing same lab work as virologists, but, big but, also having a control group, no added supposed viral pathogen, and comparing results? For readers, the labs which governments use/trust, never include a control group.

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Oh my goodness! Do the horrors never end? I imagine that many men who subjected women to this treatment frequented brothels and ‘women of the night’ to satiate their own sexual desires.

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When I was getting blackpilled on the history of medicine in grad school, in the 1980s, among the factoids encountered was that such satiation was sought not only in brothels, but also on the women incarcerated in these institutions for "nymphomania" and "hysteria." A lot of the "examination" and "restraint" behaviors appear to be nothing but fetishism, for starters.

We are so overdue for a widespread, wide-ranging, general-audience introduction to the history of medicine, sociology, science, etc. There were robust movements in this direction in the '70s and '80s but methinks Pharma's investment in media shut it down.

Remember, Arthur Sackler is in the Medical Advertising Hall of Fame (yes, there is such a thing) (1997 induction iirc) for being the first to sell $100m of a drug (Valium). I once ran the real-dollars numbers on that over the years Valium was marketed and it came out to today's equivalent of several billions. Accomplished by inventing off-label uses for this benzo, then advertising it massively and inducting doctors as pushers.

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I have no doubt that you’re right, they would have been sitting ducks. Indeed, their ‘guardians’ probably justified their abuse by saying that it was no more than they deserved.

Yes, well and truly overdue!

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I've been doing lots of reading in this area lately to expand on what I recently published. The horrors for people are beyond imagining! Will post a bit soon.

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I look forward to hearing what you have learned (although ‘look forward’ is probably not the best way to describe it!).

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It strikes me that there was originally some truth to the hysteria diagnosis.

I've met people who are emotionally unstable, pathological liars, manipulative schemers, very impulsive, excitable, reactive and suggestible exactly as described.

They do come across as visibly insane.

Not that I agree with the treatment they tried to use of course.

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This is so sad and awful.

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