Jun 15Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

The premise that we are born defective and require the injection of diseases and toxins to acquire or maintain good health is ludicrous and defies all common sense and logic. Germ theory (note the word theory) and its concommitant pharmaceutical weaponry has been used and continues to be used to camouflage the ongoing poisonous assault upon this planet and humanity. It is the terrain, both inner and outer that matters, not viruses or bacteria.

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Jun 16Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

As a nurse, my take on this is that ALL of our genetic blood 🩸 and DNA 🧬 lines have been intentionally contaminated prior to our birth due to our ancestors being victims of this punishment. Makes me wonder if this is the reason why so many people have particular health problems (excluding COVID) As a former wound care nurse who treated people with diseased, pus and bacterial-ridden wounds, one has to know that infection is spread so easily through open skin transfer. I am appalled to find out how long the poor children were used as lab rats. I too have a “smallpox” scar from a vaccination I received, unbeknownst to me, as a child. Sickening.

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There's no such disease as covid and no scientific proof that infection is spread. That's the germ theory indoctrination of the medical profession. William Treber, Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka, Amandha Vollmer, Andrew Kaufman, Nancy Turner Banks, Tim O'Shea, all medically trained but have had to go back to the drawing board to discover the truth that the terrain is everything.

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Jun 16Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Though it doesn’t spring to mind, there must be a suitable word to describe the archetype of a person like Jenner who’s sense of self-importance and obsession with his fixed ideas led him to (in a sense) lose his mind whereby he could neither see nor care about the actual harm he was causing. The only words I can come up with are “mad scientist”, “obsessive-compulsive narcissist”. In any case, I’m sure the same archetype applies to the likes of Fauci.

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Jun 15Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

I was born 1955. I, much older, asked my mother why do I have two parallel huge scars on the top of my left arm. Two inch wide they are. She said they were my smallpox innoculations, performed by very old Scottish doc, wearing a kilt. Now, no idea of his age because anyone in their 20's, like my mum, would percieve 40+ yrs as ancient, as today. I've not yet figured out whether both scratchings happened simultaneously or separately and why if separately did she not object to this scarring?

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Jun 15Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Great article.

I’ve just fallen in ‘The Lancet’ is that highly esteemed journal’s name - they are laughing at us….

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Jun 16Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Excellent article. Thank you for the research and quotes.

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Medicine, like war IS A RACKET! And now medicine uses vaccination to kill, just like war.

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When you think 'disease', what colors come to your mind?

When you think 'healthy', 'life', what colors come to your mind?

What colors don't come to your mind?

We now know, and some knew, that life is ...fresh air, clean water, sunlight, movement, rest.

Let us stay far away from anything else, not paying heed to

fables and tall tales. Use any 'excuse' to avoid it.

I always claim a weakened immune system (which I have).

Purveyors of death look with pity upon me. I know I can't change their views; so I am just 'a broken record'. But a healthy one!!

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In an obtuse way, this article still does little, or nothing at all, to dismiss the notion, or theory, that germs cause disease. We know that certain bacteria drawn to do their work and clean up dead, rotting or diseased flesh, do in fact release toxins metabolically, and that is what makes people sick and causes death, not the germ itself. The presence of the visible germ has long been misconstrued to be the causative factor and very little work was done to investigate why they are present in the first place. It took some sharp minds like those of Dr. Ulric Williams, to realise that the germ theorists had "missed the boat", and that the presence of these microbes was in response to the underlying terrain due to an assault, just as police and ambulances arrive at the scene of an accident. The police and ambulance crews are certainly not the perpetrators of the accident! Germ theory completely disintegrates because the same bacteria accused of disease are found in all completely healthy people and animals. They are nature's cleanup mob. Allopathic medicine has yet to accept this fact, but in order to counteract it, have invented the notion of immunity, but that is a whole other pseudoscience!

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