It really pisses me off! Nothing has changed and they call it science!!

How can doctors be this stupid or greedy..??

What is being said could just as well has been in the 2020s!!

Very good work!

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It's a belief system... and it's well greased by the paymasters.

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Truly superb work Roman! Fascinating to see what doctors of old were saying. @32mins wow Thanks

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The vaccine was smallpox 😎

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ACAM2000, Smallpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine, Live vaccine package insert / monograph.

Adverse effects include severe disability and/or death.


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The inoculations of smallpox certainly spread it, as outlined in the book.

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There is nothing to spread. Contagion is a myth. The suffering was a direct result of the injectables. Hence the huge amount of deaths by vaccination in 1872.

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I think smallpox can and did spread in human populations that did not use injectables as evidenced by the use of bedding taken from smallpox hospitals in Europe and given to the Aztecs by Hernando Cortez in the 16th century. The pus of these lesions leaks out onto bedding and whatnot, and can spread in civilizations with poor sanitation where families live together in close quarters. The book describes this type of spread of disease in multiple cases throughout history. They always went away with proper sanitation as outlined in the book.

I posit that smallpox and most of these diseases are better described as a bacteria phenomenons than diseases causeed by viruses, although bacteria produce smaller structures known as bacteriophages, which are often described as viruses, and bacteria often produce toxic compounds which may be the actual cause of illnesses.

For a read on Smallpox and the Aztecs: How smallpox devastated the Aztecs – and helped Spain conquer an American civilization 500 years ago: https://theconversation.com/how-smallpox-devastated-the-aztecs-and-helped-spain-conquer-an-american-civilization-500-years-ago-111579

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Yes, this is very interesting to me, and it appears to contradict smallpox, which was and became a mild disease akin to chicken pox by the early 1900s through improved health and the elimination of various deadly medical procedures.

An example of this is the Mandas Indians, who were decimated in 1837-8, supposedly being infected by a couple of trappers. Almost all of them were reported to be killed by smallpox. However, I ran into a dead end trying to find any documentation on who made that claim and how they determined it. I want to dig into this and other cases to see what can be uncovered. I hate to assume one way or another without good evidence, but I also have to accept that there may not be any.

Right now, here are a couple of puzzle pieces that don’t match up. Please let me know if anyone would like to help dig deep into this.

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Here's another link on Fort Union and the St. Peters which reports the use of inoculations with results similar to those reported in your book. http://www.mman.us/stpeterssmallpox.htm

"By the time the St. Peter's arrived at Fort Union, several of the deck hands had died of the disease. On arrival only Jacob Halsey was showing visible signs of the disease. In an effort to contain the disease at Fort Union, primitive inoculations were attempted by fort personnel according to treatment methods described in Dr. Thomas’ medical book. Puss from Halsey's skin eruptions was used to inoculate about thirty Indian women who were living in and around the fort as wives and companions of trappers. The results were absolutely devastating and only served to further spread the disease. Within about two weeks those who had received the inoculations began to die in a most horrible manner. According to Larpenteur (in Forty Years a Fur Trader), one of the fort's personnel, "It was awful-the scene at the fort, where some went crazy, and others were half eaten up by maggots before they died." Larpenteur's description of events taking place just prior to and during the epidemic at Fort Union can be read here."

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Very interesting quote! I was able to find the source from 1898. “Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri. The Personal Narrative of Charles Larpenteur, 1833-1872, Volume 1”

1837 – “Prompt measures were adopted to prevent an epidemic. As we had no vaccine matter, we decided to inoculate with the smallpox itself…” p. 132

What else was done that some went “crazy” and “half eaten by maggots”? Was Calomel freely given out? Something else?

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I have not heard of the Mandas Indians in that period. Are you familiar with Herbert Chalmer Miles and the Mi’kmaq in Nova Scotia in the 1860s? I researched a purported cure for smallpox discovered by an old squaw, which was reported to London by Miles. It was all very interesting to me. Apparently some of the links to Miles in Lancent in the internet archives are down, unfortunately, but thankfully I made some lengthy citations.


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“The small-pox destroyed the Mandans, a tribe once occupying the shores of the upper waters of the Missouri, in ’37 and ’38. Entire families perished.”

“The American Indians,” American Review, June 1849, p. 634.

I am unfamiliar with this, but it is quite an interesting article on Sarracenia purpurea. Could it also be that people weren’t using the “white doctors” ideas of bleeding, hot regimen, calomel, etc., and this is why they had better results?

This reminds me of this…

“The vinegar treatment as a preventative against the contagion of smallpox, discovered by Dr. C. F. Howe, county health officer of Atchison, Kansas, has passed the point of mere theory and is now an established fact, having been efficient in several hundred cases of exposure in the city of Atchison and Atchison county. Many of these exposures have been the nurse, as well as many others that it was impossible to isolate from the original case of smallpox for the want of room. In other words, anyone, vaccinated or not, can nurse a case of smallpox without fear of contracting the disease if, at the same time, they use the vinegar in tablespoonful doses four times daily in half a cup of water. It can be taken in less amount for small children or more by adults.”

[“Vinegar to Prevent Smallpox,” The Critique, January 15, 1899, p. 289.]

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Here's an article on the Mandas Indians from the Smithsonian. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/tribal-fever-78619448/The

Mandan Indians were trading furs with the St. Peters steamboat for some type of provisions. (Perhaps blankets?) Francis A. Chardon made the report.

"In scenes that might have been painted by Goya, bodies piled up in the village too rapidly to be buried and were dumped into the river. “This Morning two dead bodies, wrapped in a White skin, and laid on a raft passed by the Fort, on their way to the regions below,” Chardon reported, adding sardonically, “May success attend them.” After estimating that 800 Mandan had died by mid-September, Chardon—who never concealed his contempt for Indians—commented, “What a bande of RASCALS has been used up.”"

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Was this supposed to be smallpox? Or could it have been Calomel (mercurous chloride), which was commonly used as a medication in the 18th and 19th centuries and could cause severe side effects, including bleeding from the mouth?

‘The deaths were as horrifying as they were numerous. Victims experienced high fever, chills and excruciating pain. With blood pouring from their mouths and ears, they often died even before the appearance of smallpox’s characteristic pustules. In a futile effort to find relief, sufferers threw themselves into water and rolled in hot ashes. Husbands and wives committed mutual suicide, stabbing themselves with arrows and knives, or leaping off cliffs. Chardon reported that one Mandan woman, after watching her husband die, killed her two children and “to complete the affair she hung herself.”’

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The claim that smallpox devastated the Aztecs is a myth to down play the extent of the genocide that occurred.

Please show me a study that uses a blanket to infect someone with any so cashed disease?

Bacteria phages are just cellular debris labelled as a pathogenic microorganism. There same e goes for viruses. If you disagree with that, please show me a study where a virus was isolated and purified directly from a host, without culturing and shown to cause disease in the natural way using the scientific method?

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I'm not going to bother with a study. If you want to claim that the Aztecs died en masse of something other than Smallpox, or did not die at all, do so.

SMALLPOX AND THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO. https://www.pastmedicalhistory.co.uk/smallpox-and-the-conquest-of-mexico/

"A native account describes of the effects of smallpox upon the people of Tenochtitlan:"

“It began to spread…striking everywhere in the city and killing a vast number of our people. Sores erupted on our faces, our breasts, our bellies; we were covered with agonizing sores from head to foot. The illness was so dreadful that no one could could walk or move. The sick were so utterly helpless that they could only lie on their beds like corpses, unable to move their limbs or even their heads. They could not lie face down or roll from one side to the other. If they did move their bodies, they screamed with pain. A great many died from this plague, and many others died of hunger. They could not get up to search for food, and everyone else was too sick to care for them, so they starved to death in their beds.”

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If there is no evidence of the existence of the small pox 'virus' then the claim the Aztecs died of smallpox is completely false. One also has to take into account altered history which suits the victor.

I would love to see a study where someone got sick from a blanket using the scientific method. All make believe.

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Yabadabba doo. Great stuff.

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The more I learn, the more absurd the cult of vaccination seems. Brilliant work, thank you.

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Thank you for an interesting watch. Some things missing from the video.

I feel it didn't describe the insanity of their treatment protocols in sufficient detail.

For instance, hot boxing where the patient was prevented from eating and drinking while they are trapped in a sauna. Naturally, this raised their fever considerably and caused brain damage.

Also, too many quotes from random doctors. Considering that many of the doctors were happily blood poisoning people, their testimony and credentials are far from convincing. Just a handful of the most influential are needed to prove there was dissent, it is tiring after a while.

I believe many people will stop watching because of this.

And it would have been nice to hear more about the unsanitary conditions, the sewer gas leaks, the rivers of crap flowing down the streets, the fact that doctors didn't wash their hands or equipment, the level of poverty and malnutrition in the population, etc.

I didn't feel that the historical context was well presented. If I didn't already know about it, I would have found this a lot less convincing.

Without it, one has the illusion of a disease outbreak caused by a spontaneous increase in virulence with transmission that can only be stopped by vaccination.

Then the argument is made that it is somehow the best they could do and that modern medicine is much safer.

But when you know that the outbreaks were in literal slums, this idea seems a lot less reasonable. And the sanitation argument has better support.

Perhaps the next video will address this. I hope so.

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I have to agree that a better description of the “hot regimen” and other toxic notions would certainly be better. Lots of quotes were, to me at the time, a way to show people a partial history of what was happening. I have always wanted to do a much more professional documentary on the topic and this was just a quickly done “taste.” The “crap” in the streets and all that I had in part 4, which probably should have been in part 2. I appreciate the criticism, and again, if I have the resources, I would like to make something a lot more in-depth and professional. Thank you very much!

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I think the criticism is harsh- I think these are good punchy videos setting out the main issues. The purpose of such docos is not to be overly detailed- it would take hours, otherwise. For those that want more detail and depth there are books etc to read. I think these docos are intended as intros or recaps for those who have some background in this area but need a refresher. I thought the quotes from a range of doctors were effective in showing that there were many critics of the vaccine programme at the time who were ignored just as today. I think it would be useful to have included a few choice quotes from GB Shaw and Alfred Wallace - 2 stars in different fields who vehemently attacked the vaccine programme. And Shaw had a very dim view of the medical fraternity generally. And he lived into his 90s so he knew something about good health!

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I would sooner criticise Steven Spielberg with all his resources for NOT making an historically accurate and polished video on this topic than have a go at Roman for this heroic effort culled from decades of painstaking research on a humble budget. At 28:55 I found the quote from Dr. W. Hycheman fascinating. The symptoms of the jab included those that Dr Wakefield also observed for the MMR stab (cerebral and gastric complication) they also included ulceration of the cornea (my Mum got this after the covid stab) and clots in the heart - where have we heard that before?

Most of the graphs were clear and informative. I would recommend simplifying a couple of the graphs - for example in a slide that is only up for a few seconds, 10 different coloured lines of different age groups all showing the same overall trend does not register as clearly as does one line. The legends for the lines could be larger for elderly eyes. Whenever I had to present complex data with multiple lines I often compiled a slide build. Start with just the axes clearly labelled to make sure everyone knows what we are studying - the Y's and the X's. Then add one line at a time clearly labelled: labelling on each line is better than a legend with tiny font. It's a bit more work copying and pasting from Excel to Powerpoint (in the good old days with 35mm or "overheads" it was more expensive and more weight to carry but I am referring to recent digital times). Should we consider crowd funding to take these productions to the next step? Lastly I have now learned that 19th century doctors all wore top hats, long black coats and carried black bags:) A very sinister spectacle. Thank you

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Hi Dave! I don’t take criticism personally. It’s all good information, as are your comments! I would love to do a really good documentary showing how life was during these times, mixing in all the data and quotes! I am happy to work with a team to do something I did in my office over three months, taking it to a quality level.

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Brilliant documentary. How did this fraud get perpetuated and how did it persist for so long? I remember learning about the wonders of vaccination and Jenner’s great gift to humanity in primary school. And Pasteur was treated like a god!

Most people still believe in vaccination even after what we have just all endured and what we can still see as the ongoing results- excess death rates, and increases in numerous diseases and cancers.

And there was so many great people calling it out for so long and yet governments and medical bodies were able to resist all the evidence and harms being done! It is mind boggling.

These are great easy to follow videos. I hope they get out there into the mainstream!

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Do remember that many societies practiced ritual human sacrifice, in some cases of children, and it never occurred to them that it was pointless.

In African culture they mutilate girls genitals, and in Jewish culture they mutilate boys genitals. Neither is remotely beneficial.

Many of the other medicines of the preceding time periods were also killing people. Yet they persisted with them for centuries.

And finally, many people still argue in favour of taxes as being for our benefit. Apparently unable to recognise that its a protection racket, the government is a crime syndicate and the police are it's enforcers.

They seem to imagine that being born somewhere means giving consent to be governed and that being abducted and confined to a concrete cage is a fair punishment for the crime of not paying for the privilege of being governed against their will.

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At least part of it was a good faith but misguided effort to stop smallpox via inoculation in my opinion. Then it failed, and the Rockefeller establishment continued the practice knowing full well what the negative results would be.

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The lengthy historical corruption of the medical system is not surprising, but appallling nonetheless. And the willingness of men to force this barbaric practice on parents on threat of imprisonment, is nothing less than child sacrifice.

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I’m sorry but too many people are making money from the virus spike protein/mRNA illusion. It’s a gift that keeps on giving for the scientific witchcraft.

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Yes, and the spike protein was never established to exist in nature to begin with. Many people claim it was inserted into a bioweapon in Wuhan which leaked and spread across the globe. This lab leak spread scenario is impossible however. The bottom line is that the spike protein sequence was inserted into the genetic sequence in Wuhan with no more effort and science than it takes me to insert letters into my cellphone as I type. No one in the United States even bothered to isolate the alleged virus and confirm the sequence. Billions of people inserted the spike protein sequence with all the other toxic ingredients into their bodies via needles. It was a pure disinformation operation. People trusted the science, media and governments and paid a terrible price.

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True that no-one bothered to isolate the virus. That's because they can't. There are methods that exist to isolate particles of that size (100 nm) but if tried they don't find anything in samples from sick people that could be called an infectious 100nm particle. Andy Kaufman covered this in 2020. Perhaps there was a toxic protein in the jab but never on any non-existent virus. Electron microscopy pictures of "corona" viruses often don't have a corona or spikes. Basically anything roundish in the image is highlighted with an arrow and labelled "virus".

The "science" has been extremely sloppy. Further, there is no genetic sequence of any virus just as there is no genetic sequence of a unicorn. The strands are "assemblies" or "contigs" or SHORT incomplete strands compiled by a computer from mixtures that include thousands of different materials from a sick human's airway. This will include human and bacterial genetic material. The software churns out millions of different assemblies, then they have to decide which one represents the "virus". They usually choose the longest one! They can never get the same result twice and the two alternative software packages will produce very different results. Guess what they call each different assembly? ...the "new deadly variant". Be well.

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Yes, thank you. That's very similar to what I have learned from the Baileys reporting. Also of note in Farewell to Virology 2, if you have an opinion you care to share- the characteristic "corona" shape of some photographed particles only occurred after samples were soaked with proteins, meaning, as I understand it, that some RNA/DNA compounds absorb the proteins. I am of the opinion that nucleic acids exist, but the alleged shape of a hard protein shell surrounding them has never really been proven to exist in nature. Thoughts?

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You've been fooled again. The spiked protein is taken from a picture of a kidney biopsy. It's a protein called clathrin.

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Yes, this was titled "Appearances Can Be Deceiving - Viral-like Inclusions in COVID-19 Negative Renal Biopsies by Electron Microscopy." Peer reviewed and appeared in Kidney journal just before the plandemic I think. They show images of kidneys breaking down that are indistinguishable from "spikey viruses"

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