May 25Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Thank you for this article. A book should be made with the voices of all the disagreeing doctors, it will be a heavy weight I am sure. After reading Dissolving illusions I already knew the jabs don't work. Unfortunately I had to have my dog jabbed for rabies, without the paperwork no one wants to treat her. Isn't that awful? I know there is an oral, life long lasting product available in Europe, but not one of the vets is interested at getting it. So you have the choice, poison your dog (and yourself) or no doctor is going to touch you. A vet in Georgia who treats animals unvaxxed will lose his license.

Govt prohibits all that is healthy (fresh milk) and propagates poisons. Of course, if the govt did not hold the parents to lots of jabs, it would be different...

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We have a book with all these quotes - 10th Anniversary Edition Companion and Reference. No audiobook yet! Check dissolvingillusions.com.

The ideology of protecting you or your pets has been deeply ingrained over a few centuries. It’s hard to dislodge, to say the least!

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May 25Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

I have the old book ! I will check out the website, thank you so much. I see you are the author! thanks to you lots of people are waking up.

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You need both. Get a hard copy before the throw it into the digital bonfire

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

I have a couple of stories about cat vaccines.

Years ago, my (now late) SO took his cat to the vet for vaccines (he didn't know about the dangers) and the vets told him that they no longer give vaxxes in the shoulder area because too many cats got cancer in that area. The vets told him that they now give vaxxes in the hind leg so if the cat develops cancer in that leg, they can cut it off and save the cat. ??!! It didn't seem to dawn on anyone that the vaxxes CAUSED cancer.

Last year, I had to take my little girly cat to the vet due to a UTI. The vet commented that she hadn't had a rabies vaccine in a while and I stated that she was not getting one, either. I knew rabies was BS, but I told her that she was strictly an indoor cat and that she had not once tried to escape to the outdoors (true, and irrelevant if you know about the rabies scam). I told the vet that she could not inject my cat with toxic waste. She tried to convince me that my cat could get it from me going outside and carrying it inside to my cat. Ha ha. I simple stood my ground and repeated my stance. She eventually relented and said that it was law and now I know the law. I said okay and my cat and I left without poisoning my cat with a vaxx.

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A friend just had a seizure after taking the first of 2 rabbies jabs. Her doctor said its probably not a good idea to get the 2nd one! No kidding! And this friend had bad reactions to the Covid jab and has been very ill with all kinds of problems since, but still went for this one and the flu jab!!

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Jun 19Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Indoctrination is hard to escape for most people. It's why religions and cults are so successful. Cult is short for culture, but it's mostly used to describe extremism. I think iatrogentic medicine is a culture. Some might say cult.

There are pros and cons to cultures, but the cons can be quite destructive and deadly.

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May 28Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Incredible that this topic continues to be so ferociously argued, over 200 years later.

How did we ever manage to hoodwink most of society into believing that injecting toxins was the path to good health?

It makes about as much sense as the celebrity virus leaving you untouched if you're sitting down, but targeting you once you stand up.

It says much that millions of highly-educated people believe such nonsense but have to craft elaborate, complicated rationale to prop it up because it is so absurd on its face.

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Vaccination quickly became a medical fad within just a couple of years. It was based on the inoculation of smallpox material, which had been around for 80 years, so it was just a variation, and people were already deeply familiar with that bizarre notion. Other medical notions like the hot regimen, bleeding, toxic medications such as mercury, arsenic, etc., were also deeply embedded and accepted by most of the population. So, vaccination wasn’t unique in being believed. Most of the royalty and legislation were also not more intelligent, and they were also enamored by these medical men, who followed along with all their nonsense and decided it had to be codified into law. That’s how much of humanity has behaved and still does with a monkey-see-monkey-do attitude.

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Botox is a form of botulism... short term advantage is what most lazy people seek.

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May 26Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Your book Dissolving Illusions, fortunately made me 100% anti vaccine and proud to be.

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I went to find the book on Amazon and to my surprise, found I had already saved it to my reading list. Will get it soon.

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May 31Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Learned about vaccine being poison when my children ,myself and hubby were having reactions. We exempted and stay exempted. We walked away from it. Doing our best to improve our health and restore it. No mRNA altering DNA shots for us. I dont give vaccines either. CDC and all the alphabets brainwashed the healthcare system into mass murder. I realized it and folks dont believe me to this day. God have mercy.

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May 25Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

There are deeds, crimes that may be forgiven, but this is not among them.

Walt Whitman

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Jun 19Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Excellent article- I only became aware of this issue after Covid and looking into all this. There is also the town in England during the 19thC that introduced legislation to stop the mandating of small pox vaccines- their death rates plummeted as did the rates of small pox.

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Jun 19Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

It is astounding how the history has been whitewashed. I am convinced more now than ever, a license for professional health care workers is a ball and chain around the neck of the practitioner, demanding compliance and participation in really ugly stuff for the enrichment of really bad actors. A good doctor cannot practice according to their own judgment and conscience and still maintain a license. As a patient/client we are not able to be in open communication with a professional. Instead we (and they) are subject to the ICD code book and your options are dictated by the insurance monopoly and the hospital/clinic administrators who profit off irrelevant and expensive "tests".

Blindfolds off. We get it, finally.

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I think ultimately, we all need to break free of centralized medicine and, well, almost everything. Large centralized structures will always fail as special interests take over and force their notions onto the entire population. It all starts with us breaking free of these archaic and largely destructive and deadly structures.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

I spoke at a public hearing at my state capitol once when they considered downsizing the number of licensing committees. They questioned the need for a licensing law for acupuncture. As an acupuncturist, I questioned the need for licensing medical doctors. I didn't win any friends that day.

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Jun 19Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Excellent article! It opens our eyes to the reality of deception in the so called medical science. I used to think the "safe and effective" mantra was a recent marketing invention to hoodwink the masses and promote product acceptance and acquiesce to the pharma push!.

Thank you for enlightening me!

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Roman, i love your work and own your book, and while it is absolutely not my place to advise you who to recommend, 2 of your SS recommendations are two of my least favourite "resistance" warriors. I'm not sure how anyone get ls more than 2 minutes in to a Doc Malik podcast and as for Kirsch, jeees, that guy is as shady as they come, but hey, i still love you and reccomend your work to all I know. Cheers

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Vaccination is a form of 'civilized' barbarism which should lead to a rejection of Western allopathic medicine.

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This article should be printed !!! and taught at medical schools, seminars, hang in children's hospitals, presented at court cases, in different newsletters!

Such needed information, quotes that helps us understand the past much better as we have been lied for so many years about the vaccines!! Thank you, Roman! I have shared and I will share more!

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Thanks so much!!! Please take the quotes and more and make your own books, pamphlets, videos, movies, art… keep spreading the information!

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Absolutely! I will be including it into my articles, I will be emailing it to my patients. Later into printed versions too! Thank you again!

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Let me know if I can be of any help!

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May 25Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Thank you

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Jun 24Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Thank you for sharing this vital information! Reading these quotes is a great reminder that there is nothing new under the sun, as King Solomon wrote. It is tragic that “the medical establishment” evidently chose to ignore recent history and to force people to take the hellish C-19 vaccines that were neither “safe” nor “effective.” Millions of victims of this farce died prematurely or were damnably injured. Thanks, Dr. FRAUDci. 😷

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Great article! Thank you for that! I will perhaps be a bit annoying, but in this particular case, when "attacking" something like vaccination nowadays, perhaps sharing the raw materials where you find the quotes could be helpful and particularly enlightening for the readers who might want to now more. I guess those documents are available in public domain based on their publication date, so, sharing them here can probably help also people to enjoy reading historical publications -- that I found really interesting in comparison with what we have today.

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Ideally, yes! I'm not sure how to organize and save all these documents for people to look through. Often, the article is just a piece of a large PDF. I think if people really want the documents, I should provide all the references, and if anyone wants anything specifically, they can ask, and I can try to backtrack to the original PDF and email it.

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It could be awesome! If you need help for that, ping me. Converting those pdf in image (for example), can be easier to share :)

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It is a cycle with those medications for 100s of years and the powers at be are in need of people not reading history books. Have a look at one book from 1920: Horrors of vaccinations exposed and illustrated (Chas. M. Higgins) ... you'll be surprised how similar side effects were reported back then compared to today.

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The Bible puts it clearly for me. It says 'they call EVIL good, and GOOD evil'. We continue to see this, those speaking for truth, vilified. Nothing 'new under the sun'.

And aren't we all somewhat vulnerable? Again, the bible says 'in the counsel of many, there is wisdom (my paraphrase).

We have 'our gut feeling', and I add others I value, in case

I fall into some trap.

That is horrible!

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