Your pictures of animals are very cute but I believe you are saying that the flesh of these animals was scraped and cut in order for the toxic 'smallpox' soup to be applied to them, the subsequent scabs that formed were picked off and the lesion squeezed tightly. This was probably repeated on one animal multiple times before it was killed.

Nothing much has changed in the area of abuse of sentient beings for drug development and manufacture!


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Yes, the flesh of animals was cut so they could infect them with something they thought was “good lymph” to make more. Then after a few days, those incisions were scraped to get the new vaccine matter (pus and blood) to vaccinate others or do the same to the next animal. What has changed? Not much. Sadly, humanity considers animals as resources to do as they wish without any consideration for their suffering.

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And the human-looking apex parasites in charge also, unfortunately, consider humans the same way.

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It is inefficient too. How in the heck do you “humanize” lab animals enough to mimic the way a person’s innate immune system functions, not to mention how organs in animals are extremely different? How do they standardize lab animals for testing

drugs and vaccines? In a flock of sheep, a small number will get a pox in the mouth, nose and eyes if exposed to a virus called Orf. Shepherds can get it from touching the pox on their sheep to an open wound on their hand. No, the symptoms of Orf in humans is very different. Your point that it is an inhumane way to treat animals is well taken and I would add that humanization of an animal’s organs and their functions will never provide an accurate method we can trust.

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Yes absolutely 🙏🏽

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I'm glad this landed in my inbox. Went back to your yt channel (after watching the podcast earlier) with intention of sending it to a friend and it was gone, the top one being left is from five mths ago "Suffer the little children". How strange.

Wasn't intending on commenting here, just to say thank you.

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Thanks so much. It was fully referenced and historically accurate, yet it was taken down in about an hour!

"Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our medical misinformation policy."

Clearly, some AI found some "offensive" words since no one could have possibly reviewed it that quickly, and their email informing me had nothing specific to point out what was inaccurate.

Please watch on Odysee, check all the references, and decide for yourself if you think the information is accurate and true.


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Of course they could not evaluate, we know well what it is.

In this case it's even more moronically nonsensical since almost all was

historical text. Now that the golden eggs laying goose is being threaten they are on a mission to prevent this specific truth to come out.

Thank you for replying and caring.

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My pleasure. I realized many years ago that germ theory proponents cherry-pick their information and use fear, coercion, and politicians to push their agenda forward. This has been going on for 200 years.


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And I only ever have been aware of possible "problems" with vxxines at the time of the big coordinated action to discredit Dr Wakefield. To be honest I think that is the first time I came across any controversy in regards to vxxs.

Even that my sons were teenagers and healthy I've retained curiosity and interest to this day. And now, of course it has naturally progressed.

Thank you for your attention. 😊

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My kids were very young when I started listening to some radio programs on neurological damage from vaccines and doing more and more reading. But what really got me deeply interested was when I came across this chart showing a 98% decline in mortality from measles BEFORE the vaccine. I was completely shocked. That got me to do more and more research, and nothing I formerly believed was true at all.


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Thank you !

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Recently the Baileys have been correctly pointing out that germ theory is not even a theory. It's a hypothesis that has so far failed in hold true in every experiment.


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In my opinion, the fact of the existence of microbe is not really as crucial as germ theory fanatics framed the issue as it’s ONLY about the microbe. All the data show massive declines in death BEFORE vaccination (nearly 100% in the case of England/Wale data for measles). So it had to be about the health of the person and society. We make this mistake all the time. For example, we call secondary infections in hospitals just that… infections. In reality, if vitamin D levels are optimal, then this problem almost disappears. So why don’t we call these vitamin D deficiencies or, more broadly, nutritional/health impairment? Because we are entirely germ-centric in our thinking.


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yes, bacteria definitely exist and we can't live without them, but they're made out to be trying to kill us when they clearly are not https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/a-tiny-water-flea-has-31000-genes

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Yeah, that goose has made the medical and pHarmaCo industries a /lot/ of dough, especially since the government took over liability in 1986.

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Most of so-called health care is anything but.


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video removed unfortuately- must have been saying an uncomfortable truth.

This is very interring - thank you


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