Jun 12Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Interesting article, I think a lot of these consumption patterns begin when we are young. When I was growing up there was no soda or overtly sugary snacks in the house which I hated at the time. My mom was really serious about what she was feeding the family and it was frustrating as a kid when you just wanted the treats that other kids had. Now I'm so thankful that my sense of taste wasn't warped by stuff that really shouldn't be considered food.

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Jun 10Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

A journalist travelled to Japan and discovered their obesity rate is 4% vs American’s 40+%. Processed food is banned in Japanese schools. He visited a school and asked children there what their favourite foods were. One child said “broccoli”, another replied “white fish”, and a third said “boiled white rice”. He tried explain “fat pride” to the Japanese who found it completely baffling.

Apparently in 2008, the obesity rate went up by 0.4% and that was enough for actions to be taken. I also read of some positive examples such as Mexico has a sugar tax, and the Netherlands provide personal trainers for obese kids whilst also removing sugary drinks from schools. As we already know, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

I give the example of Japan; but other than sumo wrestlers, obesity would never be celebrated in any part of the East, it would be considered to defy common sense.

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The consumption of salt is high in Japanese food.

Restriction of salt has increased dis-ease states everywhere else.

Salt has a satiety feedback loop

Sugar has none.

Salt restriction directives undermine physiology.

Hydration equals salt plus water. Water follows salt.

Mammalian physiology is underpinned by hydration NOT oxygenation. Zero oxygen is required.

Oxygen is a man-made product of air NOT a constituent of air.

Oxygen is made by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is calibrated by its dryness in parts per million of water contamination.

The lungs require air to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli, that is dew point.

Can you see the mis-match?

Women require more salt than men because they lose fluid regularly and carry more fluid in their bodies. 70% of dementia beds are taken up by women because they have had chronic dehydration.

A headache is a sign of dehydration.

Read my articles by clicking on my blue icon.

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"the Netherlands provide personal trainers for obese kids whilst also removing sugary drinks from schools"

They also provide dietitians for sick obese adults who advice them to use vegetable oils and heavily processed liquid margarine products that oxidize, polymerize and clog up the arteries. And they advice eating snacks in between meals so that you will never burn off excess body fat. Seriously, these people are evil. I know an obese person who did the opposite of what his dietitian told him, lost a significant amount of weight and his doctor got him off the statins.

Sadly he is slacking again and using Wegovy. I am beginning to understand now why the smart but evil powers that be like to apply Darwin to stupid people.

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Thank you for a timely wake up call 📞. Critical. Years ago now, we had a stop over in Denver, nice place, en route to Canada. We were overwhelmed by the meal sizes, the huge plates, the extremely reasonable cost for all that.

It didn't attract us, although it seemed 'good'.

We're being 'led', by God(Christians) the other way.

We usto like 'going out', but it's not working for us much anymore.

I find it sad. Many sad things.

But I don't like where it's gone.

Thus, home is best unless it changes.

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There are only some select places I go to outside of home. Mostly, good quality food is best made at home. Certainly, forget all the fast food garbage.

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Jun 11Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Refreshing to read some common sense. Good article.

I'd add too clever for their own good scientists at food conglomerates coming up with processes that essentially produce superb "mouthfeel" for their highly processed products. I remember reading Joanne Blythman's Swallow This, & a few other books of the same ilk, & just shaking my head.

The irony is, as portion sizes & plate sizes have increased, as food became commoditzed & highly available out of season, the quality of the food diminished. More food (with more poisons) but less nutrients. Just try convincing people that is the case.

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Yes, we have outsmarted ourselves as a society. We need to get back to good whole foods, good social interactions (family and communities), exercise, connection with nature, reading/learning on our own and not relying on centralized “authorities” for everything, practicing gratitude for all we do have, etc.

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What's truly interesting about the whole Junk Food industry, the global public health industry, the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, is that if you examine the shareholdings of all the major corporations, and you can add in the mass media too for the Mind Control Matrix, you find the same global gigantic investment companies - the icons of which are the Big Three, Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street, and like the Korean or Japanese multinationals, they all own each other. And so the same investment cartel owns and runs the food industry that's ruined the food and the health of the world's population, not just America, they own the drugs and pharmaceutical companies that are jabbing us and filling our bodies with more poisons, they own the big hospital chains and train the doctors, and they own the mass media to sell you the messages, and of course I forgot to mention - they own all the big Silicon Valley corporations that are censoring us for telling the truth - we are living in the world of globalist corporate fascism, Anglo-American style, where the PROFIT FROM HARMS business model is what drives globalized Monopoly Capitalism. It's a big club, and its great if you're in it, but most of us are not.

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Jun 11Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

At this point, America is sickness and disease in its entirety; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Certainly the school curriculum has suffered the same fate as the food. The culture (books, movies, magazines, music and more) id depraved devolution. The churches are entirely corrupt whorehouses for "God's chosen people" with America is now aiding and abetting the slaughter of what is left of the people of Palestine.

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So true. I could have easily added the detrimental effects of news media, “social” media, the military-industrial complex murder fetish, etc.

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Jun 14Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Hi Roman,

it's nice to make your acquaintance.

Perhaps it is an option in a future post for you? That our people are so spiritually degraded is likely the root cause?



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Nice to meet you too!

Certainly, that’s another factor in the equation. People are over-stressed for various reasons and don’t have a good social structure (NOT Facebook) to deal with life appropriately. Family dinners seem quaint but are vitally important to mental and spiritual well-being. Dashing through a drive-through allows you to stuff your mount, but that’s about it.

Have a wonderful day!

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Salt restriction directions have manifested pHARMa profits as:

Salt has a satiety feedback loop

Sugar has none.

All chronic dis-ease has increased many fold since the salt restriction directions were instituted


Mammalian physiology is underpinned by hydration NOT oxygenation.

Hydration equals salt plus water. Water follows salt.

Zero oxygen is required.

Oxygen is a manufactured product of air NOT a constituent of air. There is zero oxygen in the air we breathe.

Oxygen is produced by stripping air of moisture. Oxygen is calibrated by its DRYNESS in parts per million of water contamination.

The lungs requires air to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli, that is dew point or drop point.

Can you see the mis-match?

The lungs are rehydrating the RBCs with salt water. The IV saline infusion also rehydrates the RBCs.

When salt is restricted, hyponatremia or dehydration results. This is an emergency. Emergencies are managed by the adrenals.

Low blood pressure is an indicator for hyponatremia or dehydration.

Increased heart rate compensates. Increased pulse rate is a sign of dehydration.

Salt is essential for life. Food cravings and insatiable appetite is a sign of salt deficiency.

T2 Diabetes is salt deficiency dis-ease.

Dementia results from chronic dehydration. A headache is a sign of dehydration.

Read my articles by clicking on my blue icon.

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RemovedJun 11Liked by Roman Bystrianyk
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Another excellent point!

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