
The reason why they need a lot of pesticides is because the depleted soil attracts weeds.

If they just remineralized the land every so often, they would enhance growth with minerals like magnesium that are catalysts, which speed up reactions.

Instead they spray toxic chemicals that break catalysts.


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herbicide, but we know what you mean. All bad.

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I am on the fence about this. Seems like many of the supplement sellers insist that everyone is deficient in everything under the sun. It is impossible to tell what food has how much of anything in it as far as vitamins and minerals are concerned. It's all guesswork and RDAs are a one-size-fits-all bunch of nonsense.

You could take supplements and who knows if your body is metabolizing them efficiently. Who knows what all these supplements are made of? Or how much of any one thing you need.

We can't trust the drug makers for ingredients so how can we trust the supplement makers? They are all out to make a gigantic buck selling fear and lack whether it's a lack of vitamins and minerals or a lack of big pharma drugs or a lack of health (the fear factor).

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Magnesium is tricky as you can't really determine by testing that you have enough. It's best to try and optimize your diet with a wide variety of organic foods that contain various minerals. Lots of supplements are synthetic garbage, so you have to really do some research to take a best guess. If you have symptoms such as poor sleep or muscle spasms that go away after the supplements, you can be more confident that the supplement is working.

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Dan Roytas did a video segment on supplements and showed drugs and supplements came from the same factories.

There was an article at GreenMedInfo about 4 years ago concerning an analysis of miracle pill Centrum from Pfizer - full of contaminants including toxic metals. Hardly the secret of eternal youth. But we live in a 'Pill for an Ill' society and, even it we don't pop them, we benefit from the capital gain and income in our retirement portfolios.

A quick look on line to see if there are dangerous combination with other supplements... Mg is in the clear. Some vitamins that should not be taken together, or have dosage limitations, include vitamin C with vitamin B-12, vitamin A supplement with vitamin A-rich foods, folic acid (vitamin B9) and vitamin B12, and vitamin E with vitamin K. Some of the these combinations have led to neurological problems in newborn when taken by mum-to-be: B12 + folic > autism. Eat your greens mamma.

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There are some ethical & trustworthy supplement companies out there, like The Synergy Company (Pure Synergy), Global Healing, Standard Process/MediHerb etc. But it is hard to know for sure.

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Unregulated - but the FDA cannot be considered the ideal govt department to be entrusted with this responsibility. So we have to wait for random news from independent food science labs. "Mistrust but verify" is my motto.

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Very well written article on magnesium. I use magnesium chloride since that was used in IV's decades ago. Dr Levy has a good book on magnesium and goes through the history of its use. Another nutrient that I think may be more important is iodine. Based on Dr David Brownstein's experience, over 96% of his 8,000 patients are deficient and many extremely. Iodine is required for every cell in the body and stored in the thyroid, salivary glands, breasts, pancreas, ovaries and prostate. It is also needed to make stomach acid and protect the eyes. Any cell that secretes requires iodine for the cells to "open the door". If the secretion does not occur cysts develop and then potentially cancer. Iodine is also necessary for the immune system. There is also an iodine crisis. My top 3 are magnesium, D3 and iodine. The best book I have read on how the body works is by Dr Jerry Tennant - Healing is Voltage, The Handbook.

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Thanks for that info! How do you use magnesium chloride?

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Orally cheap. I am sure there are better liquids.

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How well is that form absorbed and utilized?

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Gosh, I would have to read the book again, which I loaned to a friend. My unscientific mind thought if it was used in an IV it should be safe. Of course today it is a mine field in the supplement industry. The bio availability in the gut I know cuts it down a great deal. Trans dermal may be better or an Epsom salts bath. I remember drinking food grade Epsom salts doing a liver gall bladder cleanse for the protocol a few years ago. Basically when I get foot cramps I know I am very deficient and then supplement about 1,000 mg per day.

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So true what you say about iodine, but the pharmaceutical industry packaging calls it poison! 😫

Also great what Roman says about magnesium

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Check out 'Can You Catch a Cold?' pg 108. He points to an example of fallacious thinking, Roytas uses sodium chloride as an example to show it might actually be the chloride anion that's the problem in salt that causes high blood pressure (the anions in other sodium salts, like citrate, don't have this effect). So if you already have enough chloride (most of the weight in NaCl) from diet then perhaps it's not worth the risk to take any additional source of chloride. Just eat plants! I know absorption can be lower than 100% but there are so many milligrams of magnesium ion/cup in plant foods that it's easy to get enough.

Imagine what the conversation among nutritionists would sound like if we called these salts "chloro-sodate" or "chloro-magnesate". Note that magnesium ion carries TWO chloride ions in MgCl2 versus sodium that only carries one in NaCl salt.

Dr Furhman says the only food that does not have a threshold of benefit (no diminishing returns as you eat more) is green leafy veg. So the benefit just keeps rising as you eat more green - with the cut off point being when you feel full! There are many reasons Fuhrman gives but I would add to his list (speculation) that magnesium ion (Mg2+) is at the centre of the green chlorophyll molecule and that we don't absorb chlorophyll efficiently, so we have to eat more to get all that Mg2+

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Roman intelligence beats A.I. yet again. Thankyou.

Apologies for a nerdy snippet - it's actually magnesium ion Mg2+ not magnesium. The active and soluble form in both plants and animals.

Good points about soil depletion. Its most famous role in plants is being the central ion in the chlorophyll complex. The green stuff that converts CO2 and water to sugar when the grow lights are on. But magnesium plays many other roles in plant growth and health including protein synthesis.

Adding to your list of sources of Mg2+

green peas, potatoes,

avocados, papaya, blackberries

spinach, swiss chard, collard greens

quinoa cooked, plain shredded wheat (sugar verboten)

flaxseeds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds

mineral water (mine has 12 mg/L )

& drum roll…......Dark Chocolate!

If you eat enough organically raised plant matter you get plenty of magnesium and other essential minerals like molybdenum. A big problem with processed foods is what is missing

For example: seeds oils are all relatively nutritious and essential in small quantities but far more healthy in the original seed, nut or fruit. Why? We all know about fibre (and feeling full) from eating the original seed, fruit or nut, etc. but Mg2+ has also been removed. Another example: plants are 40% (very roughly) more powerful in preventing scurvy than isolated vitamin C because plants provide thousands of other nutrients. The idea of isolated vit C came from profiteers wanting to commercialise on anti-scurvy benefits of citrus fruits. More about C and scurvy in "Can You Catch a Cold?" pg 23.

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This is all excellent information! Simple chocolate made with cocoa, cocoa butter, and maple syrup is not that hard to make and is simply the best. Say no to Hershey's and other not-so-good mainstream junk.

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I started taking Magnesium L-Threonate 1,500mg/day and within a couple weeks my sleep really improved. I used to wake up around 2am and lay there for hours, sometimes not falling back asleep. I now wake up and easily fall back asleep. I also get a deeper sleep.

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"Mg gluconate exhibited the highest Mg bioavailability of the ten Mg salts studied."

Source: 'Study of magnesium bioavailability from ten organic and inorganic Mg salts in Mg-depleted rats using a stable isotope approach' 2005

Also "organic Mg salts were slightly more available than inorganic Mg salts" - so not oxide, chloride or sulphate.

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Wonderful to hear!

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Mg L-Threonate is supposed to be the only form of magnesium that passes the blood-brain barrier, and brain needs Mg too

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🏆 upload

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I was with you right up to the limiting alcohol consumption thing. Have to draw the line there. I eat very little “processed” food. Buy my pork, beef, and chicken from my neighbors. Hit up farmers markets as practicable. But limiting alcohol content? Sorry. Not willing to go there. I’ll suffer the consequences. At 62 I’ve already exceeded my personal life expectancy. Bourbon makes me happy.

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Wonderful! We all make choices as we go through life, and everyone should have the right to choose any way they wish to live. I used to drink quite heavily back when I was younger – I did suffer many consequences, in particular with my liver. Fortunately, and amazingly, the liver can be regenerated. Holding up a glass to your personal choices, I hope you have a wonderful day!

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Feb 8Edited

I'm writing these lines from the feeble and uncomfortable position of a layman addressing a serious scholar with a suggestion that he, which is to say - you - appear to have missed an important point: namely, for the vast majority of people, magnesium is absorbed orally to a far lesser degree than through the skin. That's an information I've come across in video chats of folks devoted to fitness, as well as from the controversial nutritionist whose article I'll link bellow.

Acting upon it made me quickly eliminate my insomnia and muscle cramps. Likewise, a close relative of mine first tried Mg pills with zero results, and then followed my suggestion of using magnesium lotion, after which his muscle cramps vanished.


Hope this helps. Please correct me if you think this belief in topical magnesium is misguided.

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Sam’s or BJ’s

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