According to Dr Ana Mihalcea MD Ph.D old childhood Vaccines are showing anomalies in darkfield microscopy now, that match AI Nanotechnology documentation; as seen on her Substack. Nanotechnology which was used in the making of mRNA Vaccines (as stated on YouTube by an add for University of Waterloo Nanotechnology Program where it states Nanotechnology was used in the making of mRNA Vaccines) holds a dose dependent toxicity. The safety of Nanotechnology is in question. Nanotechnology has been going into many medical products in the last four years. A Live Blood Analyst in Ontario I was speaking with twice confirmed that Nanotechnology was not witnessed in the blood being examined before 2021. The Live Blood Analyst has been in business since 2017! Now more products are showing Nanotechnologies. Dr. David Nixon and Karl C is showing Nanotechnology in tap water. Reverse Osmosis Water has none. Nanotechnology works with Artificial Intelligence by Genetically Modifying Nature, referred to as Directed Evolution by an employee of Pfizer who was caught on camera. Nature can not be Patented unless it is Genetically Modified. 😱😡🙏 Plenty reason exists for parents and guardians to go for Non-Medical Exemptions under a Statement of Conscience paperwork for school aged children!
It just goes to show you that man's LAWS are often ridiculous. Start with the facts. Small pox was not eradicated by vaccinations. The same for polio. There is and never has been any proof that these diseases were effected by any so-called vaccines. There is also no evidence that a so-called virus existed to place the blame for these diseases on. With a brainwashed, MKULTA, Operation mockingbird, Edward Bernays mind controlled populous, it is easy to to send out messages to produce fear and direct the populous towards any dangerous product or protocol that is desired. Government means control of the mind
Thank you Roman. I read the old “Dissolving Illusions” and have the new books in my pile of books to read which I have yet to get to. In the meantime, I’m enjoying your articles.
Your detailed and thorough summation of nineteenth century opposition to vaccination — unknown to me though engaged in molecular biology — is riveting and admirable. Thank you, sir.
It's even better if you look at Jacobson and see how when it applies, there's a fine. That's it. No loss of job or school.
How did that turn into mandates that separated us from freedom?
I wonder why the lawyers aren't arguing this point?
Thank you for your ongoing war against this evil - and your commitment to our children - Respect..
Roman, I think you meant June 2024 for the decision. No big deal, but this decision certainly is!! Thanks for reporting on it.
I hope this decision includes taking the dreaded Covid gene treatment off the children’s list of mandated ‘vaccines.’
In my opinion, nothing should be mandated by law. Freedom of choice is paramount.
According to Dr Ana Mihalcea MD Ph.D old childhood Vaccines are showing anomalies in darkfield microscopy now, that match AI Nanotechnology documentation; as seen on her Substack. Nanotechnology which was used in the making of mRNA Vaccines (as stated on YouTube by an add for University of Waterloo Nanotechnology Program where it states Nanotechnology was used in the making of mRNA Vaccines) holds a dose dependent toxicity. The safety of Nanotechnology is in question. Nanotechnology has been going into many medical products in the last four years. A Live Blood Analyst in Ontario I was speaking with twice confirmed that Nanotechnology was not witnessed in the blood being examined before 2021. The Live Blood Analyst has been in business since 2017! Now more products are showing Nanotechnologies. Dr. David Nixon and Karl C is showing Nanotechnology in tap water. Reverse Osmosis Water has none. Nanotechnology works with Artificial Intelligence by Genetically Modifying Nature, referred to as Directed Evolution by an employee of Pfizer who was caught on camera. Nature can not be Patented unless it is Genetically Modified. 😱😡🙏 Plenty reason exists for parents and guardians to go for Non-Medical Exemptions under a Statement of Conscience paperwork for school aged children!
Sorry about the glitch! Thanks for pointing it out.
Thank you very much.
It just goes to show you that man's LAWS are often ridiculous. Start with the facts. Small pox was not eradicated by vaccinations. The same for polio. There is and never has been any proof that these diseases were effected by any so-called vaccines. There is also no evidence that a so-called virus existed to place the blame for these diseases on. With a brainwashed, MKULTA, Operation mockingbird, Edward Bernays mind controlled populous, it is easy to to send out messages to produce fear and direct the populous towards any dangerous product or protocol that is desired. Government means control of the mind
Thank you Roman. I read the old “Dissolving Illusions” and have the new books in my pile of books to read which I have yet to get to. In the meantime, I’m enjoying your articles.
I hope the new books include the fact that viruses don't exist, as the old book doesn't.
The government will never do anything to protect the public, in fact, it is the biggest enemy of the people.
Your detailed and thorough summation of nineteenth century opposition to vaccination — unknown to me though engaged in molecular biology — is riveting and admirable. Thank you, sir.
Thanks very much. There is so much history that has been mostly forgotten.
Linking the Jacobson case here: Please always link cited sources.
Oh, and RFK is a shill, a controlled op, an actor.