Yes, it's like a ritual like other things some groups do that are harmful.

Here's a good quote to understand how it is in science...

"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "

-Sasha Latypova

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Jul 8Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

The history you so eloquently put together reveals a stronghold of diabolic origin. I thank God for your bold unwavering insight.

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Bravo Roman,

Don't let up one bit concerning educating the obstinate and blinded public with regards to the truths concerning this fraudulent poisonous vaxx.

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Jul 8Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

I've worked as a paramedic for 23 years and have slowly started to realise that medicine is basically pseudoscience. Doctors are good in only one field and that's what i'd call medical engineering, fixing broken bones, fitting stents, fixing traumatic injuries etc. The rest is pseudoscientific nonsense at best and extremely dangerous at worst.

Long gone are the days when we exclusively did only life threatening jobs in the Ambulance service, today we're mobile GP's who truck in the busloads of chronically sick (mainly elderly) into the hospitals.

As such I've had a lot of experience of observing the victims of the medical establishment and why the phrase "a patient cured is a customer lost" is not just a witty line, it actually is how modern medicine works.

Not content with making elderly peoples last years on earth a misery through over diagnosis and over medication they've decided to increase their customer base and the new cash cow is psychiatry and mental health. Apparently if you keep your house immaculate, its a mental illness and if your house is a pig sty, that too is a mental illness! That's how it works.

The tragedy is the young people persuaded by the quack psychiatrists that they have autism, ADHD, Bi polar, schizophrenia and all the other nonsense 'illnesses' they can think up or invent.

Unnecessary surgery is another lucrative field of medicine I believe . I get the opportunity to talk with these types of patients and i'm not convinced they needed any of the surgery they were given such a hip and knee replacements.

Mitral valve replacements are another type of dubious surgery and extremely lucrative i would imagine.

It's an easy scam, convince the patient that the trivial, vague ailments of old age, fatigue, decreased mobility, reduced lung power ,abnormal ECG (most elderly have that anyway and are completely oblivious) are all really symptom of heart disease that can only be 'cured' by major surgery and it's money in the bank and no questions asked.

Unfortunately I see the maimed victims, who once could do 18 holes at the golf course but now cannot walk up the stairs.

Covid was the last straw, if they could persuade everyone that an imaginary illness was on the loose they could do anything.

I do think that many more people are waking up to he reality of medicine thanks to the information available on the internet (such as this great article and others like it) and realising that much of medicine is, and always has been, a big scam.

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Sounds like you have the makings of a book! Let me know if you want to talk about it. Have a great day!

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Jul 10Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights.

Couldn't agree with you more re psychiatry as the new cash cow. I got diagnosed with ADHD a couple of years ago... you know, the genetic, permanent, unchangeable developmental disorder that never goes away... except that it did. Completely. I went to a naturopath to work on healing some food sensitivities and 6 months later, I can eat a bunch more foods and no ADHD! (I think it was in fact a COVID vax injury.)

The whole neurodivergence paradigm is complete BS and a perfect cover for vaccine injuries. I'm sure the pharmaceutical-medico complex can't believe their luck that vax-injured neurodivergent activists are proclaiming loud and proud that they were born this way and it's totally genetic. Actually, they're probably funding the activists somehow.

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How prevailing is the destructive, how effective in obliterating facts of science,

how punishing and heartless to those who labor long and hard thinking truth will prevail.

We have witnessed TO THIS DAY, that hard, honest research DOES NOT PREVAIL.

Rather, easy fables and superstitions are mercilessly pounded into the trusting population with devastating and deathly results. These are attributed elsewhere which is also blindly accepted.

Today, I think of Dr. Sam Bailey of New Zealand.

These and a very few others continue to prove the false assertions of the

Medical Establishment, so-called, having wrested truth from science and instituted easy 'science' and easy, big money.

Turns out that truth just doesn't bring in nearly enough easy money, thus is swept, denigrated and dismissed, sometimes killing leaders in the field if deemed necessary.

Reminds me of Jesus who the Establishment deemed better to kill than all power figures lose their easy, cushy positions.

Nothing has changed.

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Jul 9Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

Dr Bailey has made major contributions to the re-assessment of “germ theory” in her books and other publications. For her concern for humanity, the New Zealand Medical Council has repeatedly censured her and attempted to bar her from practicing medicine. Her monumental “Virus Mania” is a summum of information and her YouTubes (mostly removed but able to found elsewhere) are models of clarity and fact-based assessment.

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Jul 11Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

It is easier to believe a believable lie than the unbelievable truth.

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People should check the Revelation 18-23.

The end is near for them.

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Jul 8Liked by Roman Bystrianyk

What a great insight, much appreciated. Once again thank you.

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