I would also recommend "Vaccination - The Silent Killer" by Ida Honoroff and Eleanor McBean. I have it as a pdf which I can no longer find on the internet, however, it is available to read on-line at the following link.


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Sorry folks, I just noted that this requires an account. I shall try to get my pdf to the author.

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Is there a reason you didn't include anything from or on Béchamp?

https://archive.org/details/bechamporpasteur00hume_0 (1830) must be on this list.

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I hadn't read that one. There are so many books to read!

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WOW! Great list Roman. I have read about half of these. I have fully annotated and referenced White (1885) - he had so many wonderful sources. Thank you again.

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Good list may I borrow and give you credit

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Please share. No credit is needed.

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What a great list. The pre-turn of the 19th century titles set the stage for Jenner's "solution". It has taken me a while to "work out" that inoculation is not new, Jenner just re-termed the act as vaccination (vaccine-inoculation), by simply changing the inoculant to an assumed "safe and effective" alternative - cowpox.

Through history (circa pasteurs) "vaccination" was turned into a "platform" for any potential bacterial disease. A "weakened" pathogen (the vaccine) was now injected (not scarified) into healthy subjects, an act the called vaccination...the term was hijacked from "smallpox".

Today they've turned a gene therapy technology (modified RNA) into a "vaccine platform", where now the "vaccine" doesn't even contain a weakened pathogen....but a computer generated synthetic code.

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Sadly he was a supporter of eugenics.

History teaches about a noble intellectual.


Oliver Wendell Holmes, Currents and Counter-currents in Medical Science With Other Addresses and Essays, 1861

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Blimey! There’s a wadge of time. Must be done

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