This is fascinating historical evidence of medical research into a misunderstood transmission mechanism. So, you’re saying “Spanish flu” symptoms were typical of influenza only in the respiratory aspect. The skin turning blue and the fast and high death rate especially among healthy young adults weren’t typical. Researchers tried to prove transmission via the assumed mechanism of flu transmission in germ theory. And failing proof from that they then gave up trying to find an alternative mechanism of infection. This is like the doctors and scientists who believed in the miasma theory of illness, that foul air conveyed illness. Even though many living in the foulest air survived cholera in John Snow’s nineteenth century London, and many in well aired and perfumed residences got sick, they wouldn’t admit the possibility that something else caused the spread of cholera. Their belief caused blindness - they couldn’t look past it to discover other answers.

There’s none so blind as those that will not see.

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Ha! I was considering sending someone else in the comments section a link to Sam and Mark Bailey, whose work I have only recently discovered but am very interested in. I find paradigm debates generally very interesting. So, thank you. I am still just getting the ideas and arguments and evidence under my belt, and am still wanting to research what alternative hypotheses are put forward to explain how we have surges in this or that illness. I am quite sure some day soon I will feel enlightened enough to actually argue no virus myself. Open to that. I do believe in the power of mind as an energy source working in the body to heal it and that it's 'not the seed but the soil' as it were, in the sense that a healthy body and mind can fight off a lot of toxins and influences., while a mind infected by fear (for example) can interrupt the body's innate healing processes.

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Can you catch a cold is the book for you! Over 1000 reference's. Sam Bailey wrote the forward. love. -hx

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Thank you, I'm just about to buy a couple of books and that was one. Snap!

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Yes, Daniel has done a huge amount of research. Lots to think about reading his book. Much respect!

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Awesome! Welcome to "the club". Four years ago I was in the same boat as you are in now, I still believed viruses exist. Note that it is nothing more than a belief, as there is no evidence they exist. Make sure to watch all Sam's videos, starting 2020. Your mind will be blown I hope, and I also hope like me you will wonder "how on earth have I believed in contagious diseases all my life?!". ;)

Allow me to share some more links to get you a crash course for the virology hoax. Not sure if you are a reader or a listener, so I'll send some for both.

Virus Mania - a must read (also available narrated by Sam)


What makes us sick if contagion and viruses are a myth?


If there is nothing to be immune from, does the "immune system" even exist?


Very far down the rabbit holes: the lack of evidence for how DNA is said to exist and work:


Let's continue the chat here, as I love to share what I have learned over the past for years when it comes to "science" and its real nature. Do let me know what you think, and what questions or concerns come up when going through the material.

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Thank you for the Tom Cowan link. It was just what was needed to help me get to grips with this subject. Absolutely brilliant!

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Sure thing. Let me know if you want more. ;)

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Thank you for the references. I will look them over. And thank you for the chat offer. I certainly value being able to discuss new knowledge and thinking with people who have understanding of it as opposed to fear and ignorance of the issues and a closed mind to anything that challenges their status quo. I'm new to substack and much of web tech so 'bear with'!

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The feeling is mutual Vicki, as it's still pretty rare to come across people with an open mind. I am new to substack as well. :) Stay in touch!

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And, coincidentallly, several new, untested, "vaccines" were being administered (I think by the US Army) to the same cohort that was most effected by the "flu." Many adverse effects were reported, including death.

I don't remember the details, but I recall that many more doses of these "vaccines" were produced than was needed for the military servicemen, and excess doses were given to the US general public and also shipped overseas. These groups likewise suffered many deaths, but just as with the current injection, an investigation was never done, so any link between the WWI-era "vaccine" and the Spanish flu was never directly determined.

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Thanks ever so much for persevering with fleshing out the details of this delusion. I loved Sam Bailey's recent terms "reification fallacy." I would be more inclined to be psychological about it, and call it projection. My model for that is really the metaphysics and psychology of A Course in Miracles, which makes it all very simple. Individual identity, or "consciousness," is a phenomenon of paranoid schizophrenic ideation of the Mind, in which part of the mind imagines itself to be separate. This is in and of itself illusory, this separate identity now tries to validate itself in a dialog with the world outside itself, which is nothing but the projection of the unconscious projected out, so we now have "I" and "the world." This is the dreamstate, Maya of Hinduism, in which the individual asserts itself with a system of double entry accounting of debits and credits to itself, which presumable testifies to its reality. This is ultimately the argumentum ad lapidem of Dr. Samuel Johnson vs Bishop Berkeley, in which the tautological "proof," of the reality of the world is delivered by kicking the stone, but the fact remains that it proves nothing, because both the toe and the rock are part of the same physical reality which cannot testify to its own reality. Hence it is a fallacious argument. Everything in dualistic "consciousness" works this way. In accounting this is known as the problem of externalities, i.e. an entity has an innate problem with "the world outside," because it really is a piece that is carved out.

The basic operating principle of the ego (individual identity, or "consciousness,") is to project outside itself the imagined guilt for its own existence, and thence forth it sees itself as a victim of the world, which is attacking it in various ways.

Once you understand that the ego is delusional, you also understand why it MUST see the attack coming from outside, which is really the projection of its own attack by which it carved itself out of the whole. The ego also projects the anger onto God (the Source), and it is therefore afraid of God, and the world (as in "acts of God,"). This fanaticism is purely a psychotic behavior, for the concept that I am responsible for my illness in anyway is too threatening. The fantastic money that pharma makes is merely the price of the magical belief we wish to maintain as a society that the cause of illness is outside, when it is really inside. And not just inside my body, which is merely another projection, just like the world outside is a projection. The "matrix," the "world," is outside the Kingdom, which is the non-dualistic reality that is really ours. Jesus always said that "to those outside the Kingdom, it all comes in parables," and "my Kingdom is not of this world." I.e. the world outside me is the dualistic manifestation that arises from the choice for believing in the reality of me as a separate individual carved out from the Oneness of Heaven. The basic self defense mechanism of the delusional ego-system is a confusion of content and form, the "reification fallacy," i.e. we see a "thing," purposely, in order not to have to deal with the content, which is the underlying choice to make our substitute reality, our pseudo-reality out to be reality.

Once you begin to grasp this psychological dynamic, it is clear why terrain theory is so threatening, and along with it the idea of "contagion" is attractive, because it is a psychological assurance that I am merely a victim of an ugly world, and not responsible for my own health. All the money big pharma makes is merely the manifestation in form of that magical belief.

The same thing manifests in Lifestyle Medicine, what prevents people from wanting to take responsibility for their own health, is that the ego does not want the responsibility. It wants to have its cake and eat it too. It wants to "exist," and be left alone, but alone is a state of conflict with all the other "egos" and the world at large. But the ego persists in playing a game of blackjack with the world and all the people, places and things it sees outside itself, which serve to keep up the illusion.

Einstein seeing all this stated that we are "non-local beings having a local experience." That pretty much captures it.

We will never eradicate the belief in the external "disease agents" for we want to maintain the Newtonian concept of the world, which is the only way our reductionist approach can be maintained.. Medicine is more or less the only field that wants to be part of science, and yet it wants to hang on to a Newtonian world concept. Now we can understand why.

Politically, we can see the same thing. Instead of dealing with the root causes of our delusion, which amount to the choice for a dualistic "existence," in favor of a non-dualistic reality, result in purely wanting to maintain power by fighting never ending battles against illusory causes. Don Quijote and Sancho Panza are never far away. We fight "viruses," "climate change," "communism," the "war on drugs," and so on. Many South American intellectuals, starting perhaps with Gabriel Garcia Marquez understood that the Americans were killing South Americans, not to mention poisoning the environment, when the problem really was the craving for drugs, which in the end is the counterfactual (delusional) belief that happiness comes from outside.

Mundus vult decipi, decipiatur ergo is the old Latin saying: the world WANTS to be fooled, therefore fooled she will be.

At the end of the day, that is all there is to it. We are addicted to our counter-factual beliefs, because we want to maintain "the matrix," our dualistic pseudo reality, and that belief can only be maintained by constantly projecting the cause outside. Introspection is very frightening.

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Wow! A lot of deep concepts. The notion of consciousness in the brain, I think, has been disproven for those who have dug deep into the topic. That was certainly a “hard pill to swallow” for me, but after a few years of studying, it seems I was wrong about my original thinking – the brain generates consciousness. If it is true that consciousness is outside the brain, then that certainly shatters many current paradigms and causes a rethink of many different previously sacrosanct topics. Thanks for your long and well-thought-out comment.

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Yes, hilariously In a story by Terry Bisson, the character explains to extra terrestrials how they think and the alien says in amazement, "wow, meat that thinks!"


If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.

There is a reason for Plato's theory of the ideas: the mind is the origin. Matter is a second-order phenomenon.

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I was fooled by the title, and therefore disappointed by the content.

It seems to say that there is proof of flu transmission that is hidden and one just needs the mask removed to see it.

The actual content was eye-opening but left me wondering if there will be followup articles answering the questions: if not transmissible influenza virus then what did cause such similar symptoms in people who got sick in proximity and died at that time? or what confounding factors were missed during those transmission experiments?

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I perhaps was being too clever for my own good with the title. The notion that the Spanish “Flu” was transmissible was found to be false in multiple experiments, which was the underlying notion, thus the “unmasking.”

A good part of why people got sick can be found here in Dr. Sam’s well-done mini-documentary: https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/exploding-the-spanish-flu-myth

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Viruses don't exist. What makes us sick? Cowan has a great talk on this on https://odysee.com/@dharmabear:2/Dr-Thomas-Cowan-What-Makes-You-Sick-WAPF-Oct-22-2022:6.

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I have same question… somewhere along my research journey… I found claims that it was through a bio attack using vaccination. Considering the research I’ve also found, prior to 2020 and after, there have been labs that found something like 50 unidentifiable elements in the new C vials and in others prior to 2020.

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Excellent video. The real simultaneous and multiple causes of 1918 “flu” were:


Roman, thanks for inspiring Dan Roytas to write “Can You Catch a Cold?” His book also covers this topic.

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Daniel’s book provides a tremendous amount of references and new information. It's well worth the read!

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I also found the title of the post confusing. I had expected the post to analyze supposed proofs of transmission and "unmask" them, i.e. reveal them or show them up, as bogus. Instead, it highlighted proofs of NO transmission. The highlighted studies are valuable, as was the short video. I am questioning just the post's title.

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As I said in another comment, perhaps I was being too clever with the title. Thanks for your comment!

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Conventional western medicine, being typically reductionist, omits noticing some expressions of the human being such as susceptibility. In a way, it has to ignore that as they’re not trained towards how to reduce susceptibility but only towards how to deal with sickness expressions. I mean that’s the only tools they have. It doesn’t matter that they are ultimately harmful and in fact increase future susceptivity. Given the limitations of this form of medicine, it should never be mandated on anyone.

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Over the last few months I have been reading the books of James Clavell and I just have promote him for the great writer he is, I recommend them to anyone I talk to. I started with his first book, Shōgun, after a friend told me to go and watch the HBO serie. I did, but the character development felt rushed and I had difficulty remembering all the names and connections to each other. So, I got his books and as always; they are so much better than the (very good) TV serie.

To get to the point.. The story plays around 1600 and the English characters were afraid of baths and open windows because of the dreaded 'flux'. They would bathe at most once a week and in their minds the practice of leeching was the most normal thing in the world.

Now, most of us can look at that time and understand how misguided they were. Maybe, in a few decades or more, we can look at this era of 'FLIRT virus emerges' and 'virus jumps from animal to man' in the same way. Nothing to do but wait and see while talking about these (difficult) subjects with the people around us. Most of the people I talk to are willing to admit the science is at least a bit sketchy but the sentence 'when the person close to me got sick, a day later I also got sick' pushes them back to the contagion/virus theory. It is cognitive dissonance we are dealing with and it makes it difficult for people to admit there is NO proper evidence for both viruses and contagion. Furthermore, they have discredited 'do your own research' by linking it to viewing a Facebook post and instantly making up your mind. Smart tactics, I can't deny that..

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Cognitive dissonance is a very strong concept. Adding to that, many people are in some kind of hypnotic state due to all the programming they got over their lives. For many, it's hard if not impossible to break this "spell".

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In ancient times people believed that major epidemics were caused by "Influenza", the 'influence' of the solar system upon the earth.

In the recent book 'The Invisible Rainbow' (2017) we learn that epidemics are caused by the affect of electricity on the human body, which itself is electrical.

With the advancing of electric technologies, along with the influence of the 11 year electromagnetic sunspot activity cycle, Influenza appears around the world in various locations where transportation did not exist to spread a contagion.

This gave rise to the idea of Germ Theory and the rise of the medical industry and vaccines (The diseases of the 19th century disappeared with improvements in sanitation along with refrigeration).

The Spanish Flu of 1918 began at a military base in Kansas, where wireless communications were introduced and quickly spread around the world, as the technology was installed by the various countries during WW l.

Epidemics appear routinely in the modern age with the advances in the electromagnetic technology in conjunction with the 11 year solar flare cycle.

The year 2019 began the rollout of 5G technology at the beginning of the 25th solar flare cycle welcoming Covid 19.

(Note that the data related to Flu deaths was no longer available), but media had much recent coverage of the aurora boorealis appearing below the arctic circle.

Still gonna get that Flu shot?

No one dies of the Flu, but only with "Flu like symptoms".

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Epidemics are caused by many factors, of which one is EMF, like Firstenberg greatly described in his book. I wish people would stop searching for "the" cause of some "disease", as such "disease" - which is actually a healing process -, is triggered by a complex combination of many factors, where chemicals, psychological stress, EMF and malnutrition play key roles.

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Yes, I wish for that too

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For anyone interested in what disease really is, there is an additional excellent reference

"What Really Makes You Ill?" which I found very helpful since it was published in 2019 just before the great culling began. An encyclopaedic reference to plagues and outbreaks and common afflictions that includes oddities like "did we spread diseases to the native Americans like small pox and syphilis?- if not what did they really die of? The answers are quite appalling.

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thank you!

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Germ theory in full swing.

I understand that Pasteur recanted it in his last years.

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Supposedly confessed on his deathbed. "Germs are nothing - the Terrain is everything" He did not want anyone to see his notebooks but they were finally opened in 1964 by his grandson exposing the truth about his methodology and conclusions.

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So what is the flu in your opinion? We've all experienced it. How and why does it begin?

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Charles, IMHO Best explanation is in "Can You Catch A Cold?"

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I think so, but I think the description of a virus is archaic. I think naked mRNA can be transferred and activate the immune system response of another. I don't see it as an infection, but a response to underlying conditions.

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It’s some kind of love affair, when you get the blues the flu comes to comfort you, kissing you all over. Got the flu twice a year during 25 years, now haven’t got it for more than 10 years, how come? Strange not! Viruses or no viruses won’t be the answer.

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yes. See the book: Virus Mania.

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Great video. Since viruses have never been proven to exist, Someone would be hard pressed to show transmission. We are social people. Hugs have been proven to be a health benefit. Vaccinations have not. If the creator designed humans as social creature that were meant to be physically together, ( picture any acts of sex) and then put the penalties of sickness and death upon anyone acting in a socially touching and hugging and close communication way, would be quite the sadistic God. I think a God that said greet your brothers with a hoy kiss was not trying to kill you, But what do you think.

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If it appears around the world simultaneously, it's hard to reconcile all of those various factors.

One common one would be the 11 years sunspot cycle, just beginning in 2019, the year of covid. The deep state should be aware of this.

Next one is the year of the UN2030 agenda. Add on 6G.

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It seems that you think influenza is not caused by a virus (and I agree). Do you think other diseases, like polio or smallpox, are caused by viruses?

From reading the original edition of your valuable book -- good chunks of it while standing in long lines to enter the grocery store when the ruling class put us under mass house arrest ("lockdowns") -- I got the impression that polio was caused by pesticides and other toxins somehow allowing the normally harmless "polio virus" to attack the spinal cord. (Now, however, I don't think that any polio virus is needed or shown to exist.)

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