I chuckle about the supposed dangers of infectious disease virology, but not this subject. This discussion is one of, if not the most pressing issue we need to be discussing, debating, demanding action on. Thanks for sharing.

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Yeah, especially in light of the fact that our governments are actively participating in the culling of humanity desired by those who control the levers of power.

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My overarching goal here and now is to just be honest in conversation and observe life as is. I'm even willing to cut some slack for even the most violent repeat offenders from the world most diabolical crime families. We're all just flying by the seat of our pants here. The Sun will reset the board, yet again.

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Bang out of the gate, Shawn: I had a similar reaction.

Our "experts" have been chasing boogeymen for so long ("viruses" is the example that came to my mind as well)...while some of us are sitting here with brains full of Anthony Peratt, Wal Thornhill, Don Scott, Hannes Alfven, Kristian Birkeland, Ralph Juergens, Gareth Samuel, and the many others.

At the same time, I'm figuring it's probably better that way. I.e., there is no way, ultimately, to "be prepared" in the sense RB is suggesting.

Plus even in our relatively calm era, electrically speaking, the vast majority of people

a) lack the mental capacity to understand infrastructure and logistics to begin with (for them, technology will always be "black box") and

b) are not emotionally and spiritually equipped to live with equanimity with the cosmic realities studiously obscured by the jiving of Science Clowns like NdeG Tyson.



Having said that, I've been "enjoying" Eugene Bagashov's recent "ultra deep biosphere" work, even as it makes life here in the "Cascadia Subduction Zone" even less comforting than usual.

Right after the Nisqually Quake of 2001 I concluded that it was a subterranean/sub sea electrical phenomenon. That was based on things said/observed by colleagues of my late lost darling, the electrical infrastructurist, then later some field data I ran across. Sometimes having one's instincts or hunches borne out is not a positive experience.

As you reply right below, "The Sun will reset the board, yet again." The real "corona" crisis.

God help us all. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

And thank you, Father, for this quiet time: may we learn to appreciate it despite our ingrained ancestral trauma. Lead us not into the fear operations of the Adversary who aims to tap into that trauma for his own gains.

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Western NC is experiencing some of this in real time.

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So is a long/broad swathe of cities/towns/burbs E of Seattle.


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My take on it is that life is cyclical and we are but one of many species that will have come and gone as a result of cataclysmic events. Our intelligence and resilience may protect us against many threats - with human beings being the greatest threat to our species - but we cannot anticipate and protect againsts all threats. Nor would that be a healthy way to live. The best option is to prepare for the most likely threats, cherish our loved ones, live life to the fullest and accept our own mortality.

I think the desperate attempts by the oligarchs to avoid death and dominate and control everything is a simply a manifestation of their pathological fear of death. It makes them miserable and in turn they make our lives miserable. The Buddhist way of being is non-attachment - to creature comforts, to the past, to our hopes for future outcomes, to anything temporal. I think there's great wisdom in this.

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I agree so much.

Fear is the mind killer.

If one's life is nothing but an endless series of impossible choices in a miserable bitter struggle to stay alive as long as possible with no love, joy or happiness, then there's no point in living. It's better to just die.

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I lived the last years of communism in the eastern europe, nothing can suprise me anymore. My children did their homework at the light of a gas lamp and we heated the house with a stove with diesel fuel from the black market. Tv 2 hours a day. People in lines for milk at the store since 3 am. Etc...Even today, after so many years we still have few villages without electricity and roads and old people are living there. Is possible, people are surviving, life prepare them. I wish americans have been more informed and less brainwashed before agreeing with a communist party (that realy upset me finding out that party is there) or with any marxist ideologies. But maybe that is why never have been an international communism trial, even a fake one, to pave the road to their future.

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there's a great flick MANPOWER (1941) about the guys who keep the power going in extreme weather — ice, storm — which is beautifully art directed in studio. they're like firemen going out on a call. 80 years ago, real-life working conditions were quite rugged, men keep being injured, but their gear is great. does this type of guy still exist? those sons of farmers willing to risk life and limb?

yes, the film is insanely sexist but never mind that. the improbable Marlene Dietrich gives one of her most mannered performances. plus a melodramatic love triangle with George Raft and Edward G.

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> does this type of guy still exist? those sons of farmers willing to risk life and limb?

Here's some updates from King County, WA, after two (relatively normal) Pacific cyclones tracked thru the area:

>In a noon update Saturday, PSE said crews have restored power to more than 570,000 customers and have brought all hospitals back online. Repair work is also “nearly completed” to the PSE’s “high-voltage transmission system” and 47 of 49 substations have been repaired as of noon Saturday.

>More than 150 crews were in the field Saturday working to restore power. PSE said it was “prioritizing bringing the remaining schools back online and moving from neighborhood to neighborhood to repair distribution-level outages.”

>In addition to the line crews at work, PSE said 70 tree crews were also working to remove the dangerous and downed trees and debris across the region so crews could restore power.

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Once again, preparation is not a one-size-fits-all equation. The people pushing "prepping" and similar activities only see things through their own view. There are hundreds if not thousands of situational variables for all citizens. If some power outage lasts more than a week or two, then you need to learn how to live like a caveman.

It's just not people hooked into the grid, it's all of government and business and other institutions. We lose, they lose also. Fear is an incredible factor when anything needs to be marketed and quite everything in the world is marketed for one reason or another. The fear of death is the biggie and beyond that are dozens of other psychological fears. And in the end, we are all gonna die and all the experts don't know crap.

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We were off grid for three weeks in late 2006 after a massive cyclone blew through and smashed the heck out of the PNW grid. Poor lineworkers were in from all over the US and Canada, and were absolutely exhausted. And they were taking constant abuse from Escalade-driving Karens and Darrens from California who were miffed by the inconveniences.


(The photos are way tamer than what we saw in our area)

It was tiresome after awhile...but we didn't live like "cavemen." There were frustrations, and it did "get old"...but it was also nice to sit and read books/weave/carve/play music by candlelight. Back then we didn't yet have the solar-charged power banks that let you run a small LED for a long time.

It actually slowed life down at home, though my darling's work life was a bit more hectic till they figured out there was nothing to do but wait for the grid to be repaired.

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Wow! I wasn't aware of this particular event. Devastating. Slowing down and connecting with reality is great, but imagine if it was for months or years.

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Agreed. But while having push-button access to domesticated electrons is what we're habituated to, humans can live without them.

I'm not saying everyone has the skills, nor that I'd want to. And without question the vast majority turn into panicky and aggressive idiots very quickly. Also much modern infrastructure assumes the electrons will always be there, ditto logistics.

But some part of me cannot escape the hunch that there's a lot of Doom Porn on this topic, using fear for clickbait. Maybe there is, or can be, middle ground between "Siri, give me everything I expect at the touch of a button" and "OH NO IT'S CAVEMAN TIME."

However...having said that, and aligned with your point, after that 2006 monster storm, my darling and I went to the local Ace Hardware (open after about a week) to get some bolts and brackets for something we were inventing, parts that we didn't have in stock.

We'd been chainsaw-clearing local roads all week, and dealing with record rainfall (4 or more inches a day), and washing in the driveway using woodstove-heated rainwater, and using a camp toilet (no water--community well is on electric pump), and cooking on the woodstove or rocket stove. Doing OK overall, and using downtime to invent things.

The hardware store had a constant inflow and outflow of panicky idiots unable to understand why there were no batteries (this was before the widespread use of USB charging). They'd come in, scan the empty battery shelves/racks/stands wild eyed, spinning the empty revolving battery display repeatedly, as though that would make them appear, ask a passing store staffer where the batteries were, be told there would be none till trucks could get through on I-5. Most would react loudly and negatively, then leave, saying, "Well I'm shopping elsewhere," or yelling insults at the store clerks/management.

While in line we were behind a tense, effeminate state bureau director type, who used the opportunity to flute-voicingly relate how dissatisfied he was that, having moved to the area from California just months before, he had to deal with a TREE knocking down one of the panels on his NEWLY INSTALLED CUSTOM CEDAR FENCE.

Then he related how he called around to get tree removal services, and the earliest he could get was "at least two weeks."

"I called as soon as it happened! That doesn't seem to matter around here!"

My darling said dryly, "It will surely be a hardship to have one panel of your fence unrepaired for two weeks."

Fluty McSoftHands replied that it had been designed by a landscape architect of regional fame, its materials gleaned from (I forget what special felled cedar tree).

I opined that the cleanup company should obviously put him ahead of people with trees crashed through the roof of their home or business.

He opened his mouth to reply peevishly...then turned away abruptly.

I know that a "months or years" event would be beyond difficult. But there is Schadenfreude in the thought of how it'd land on types such as he, so increasingly numerous in Pugetopolis and its rapidly suburbanizing rural hinterlands.

Related to that, I'm not hearing a lot of whining out of King County/Seattle this week about "carbon footprint," as the buzzing/whining Stihls and Husqys and big trucks turn evil hydrocarbons into cleared streets and removed stormfalls and restored access to domesticated electrons. Not hearing a lot this week about the white men doing this cold, wet, tiring, dangerous work being "nazis" and "hitlers" and such.

But surely the soft civil war will resume as soon as the Blues are returned, by others' labor, to the standard to which they have become accustomed.

Thanks, Roman.

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Yet! They are still spraying our Skys on a daily basis, and block the sun. Today in the North west of the U.K. was the first day for 3 months they didn’t spray. Full sun all day (although it was hazy sun so still manipulated)

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And the point of this series, presumably is to demonstrate how one of three big CMEs would knock the power out for say 3 months, and how we’d see the return of essentially the same infectious diseases people died of in 1880 in a matter of weeks. People would be dying of typhus, dysentery, etc. And no amount of vaccines would help, since vaccines were never produced for half of those diseases.

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It would be comforting if the powers that be hadn't spent decades persecuting, silencing, ridiculing, ignoring, or disappearing so called "free energy" inventors. There are too many to list. The parallel with persecuted doctors for going against the mainstream is all too obvious.

Some links for those interested:




Currently, there's an inventor in Italy named Andrea Rossi, who for years has claimed to have invented a lenr (low energy nuclear reaction/cold fusion) system he calls the e-cat that can power systems. They recently demonstrated his modified system attached to an electric vehicle's battery around a race track, compared to a conventional battery. It went well.


His main website is https://e-catworld.com/ which is currently failing to load, with an unknown error.

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I find this notion quite challenging to my engineering-trained mind, but over the last number of decades, I found many things I once thought were true were not (e.g., the history of vaccination.) So, being very open-minded, I've read a few things about this notion, and it's quite interesting. The question is, have you personally tried any such device, and has it been successful? I'm open-minded, but I'm looking for evidence.

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No, I haven't tried any of these devices. I'm not in a position to do so, or build one. The only thing I can really do is just point people in what I think is the right direction. It is awake people like yourself, with an engineering mindset, who might be able to take this forward, so to speak. But it will be extremely difficult because you will have to reassess what you've been taught. You are in a better position (open minded) than most though. I would also highly encourage any awake people to seriously look at the physics work of Miles Mathis. His charge recycling theories & his unification theory I believe is the way forward. It's a lot of work to dig through because he covers a vast amount of physics territory, but he has put the sword through mainstream physics (including quantum mechanics) showing it for the fraud it has become. There is a very good succinct summary of Mathis' work on the "honest scientist" wordpress site. It was written by an anonymous scientist who used to work for the Australian CSIRO organisation, & the text was approved by Mathis to make sure there were no misrepresentations.

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Sorry, I'm a tardo. kek It loaded OK for me.

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I was just reading Rossi's site last night, interestingly enough. Try this link:


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There is an up side to this though.

All the delusional brainwashed people who make it possible for society to be so oppressive and controlled would die.

All that's left is the military and the survivalists, most of whom don't trust the government and don't listen to the news.

With more responsibility for their lives the survivors would also have a great deal more freedom and space.

The powerful rich people would suddenly find themselves living in a world where they have almost no power, no police security, no surveillance grid, no instant global communication. If they survive with the any of their comforts intact, it's in a military bunker.

Many would probably commit suicide like the businessmen on Black Tuesday.

It'd significantly improve the quality of human life for most people after the initial chaos.

So while I'm not saying I want it to happen, I can think of worse futures.

I'm not in any hurry to secure the grid.

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Certainly, one of the best results of a massive CME would be the end (at east temporarily; perhaps a couple decades at least) of CBDC. So sad for the WEF. The best that could happen, IMO, is that we would all (what remains of us) be forced to (eventually) live like the Amish or the indigenous people of the rainforest. Only increases my already great respect for the Amish.

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It makes me wonder where you’re writing from. Here in my neighborhood, power is down pretty completely. Good timing.

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