Thank you for restating and adding more very interesting material to historical accounts you have already posted on these awful diseases. I always benefit from reviewing this history and fresh insights you give. I will forward this to a friend who is keen to read your book Dissolving Illusions. I find that most people with whom I discuss this history have no idea of these statistics. It is a gross and arguably criminal failing of medical schools and training providers to not only not
include this historical perspective within doctor and nurse training but also and importantly to require rigorous discussion about the implications of it for the type of
myths about vaccines that doctors and nurses continue to advance in public as well as private consultation, (one knows from anecdote such conversations are common).
New readers need to see these posts. Thank you for your work.
Dr Archie Kalokerinos was a famous doctor in NSW, Australia that managed to reverse the mortality rates of aboriginal babies as he realised they were suffering from scurvy.The Govt depts fought him at every step as he also was saying the multiple vaccinations to an already sick child were killing the kids.When he traveled to the Northern Territory the hospital doctors and heads of the administration, refused to meet with him.
Notice the idea that reducing infant mortality to zero in Clownworld is classified in "newspeak" as "not being supported by evidence-based medicine"
Wikipedia..that corrupt rag for Bigpharma/Consensus "science" said the following.
"He became notable for treating indigenous Australians with a ”counter intuitive” therapy: high intravenous doses of vitamin C, a treatment generally used for patients with severe or subclinical scurvy (not treatable with daily oral intake), but criticized for not being supported by evidence-based medicine, although it brought the infant mortality rate there down to zero.[4]"
I hope that Bobby Kennedy has not only read your book, but that he also act on the facts as you have presented them. What mystifies me at the moment is that the Ag Dept. plans to do everything but the right thing in order to rid laying hens of bird flu. Let the hens develop immunity by ending the culling of millions of hens. Brooke Rollins is a disappointment.
I've read your book a few years ago, Dissolving Illusions, and already then came to understand that illness is caused by contamination, malnutrition, parasites and poisoning. I cannot remember who said the Black Death was a result of the elites poisoning common people's drinking water. Today poisons are everywhere and in everything. Especially injections called vaccines (for which there is no definition and no regulation).
Sincere gratitude for your valuable contributions! Having become aware of vax issues in the late 90s when my kids were young, I appreciate seeing so many people telling the truths that have been suppressed for so long. It's a wonder to see real-time countering of agendas, including the tired, but long-effective, fear-mongering around infectious diseases to obtain compliance for vaccines and to strike down individual rights. I hope this means that more parents are able to make more informed decisions.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Sayer Ji, Children’s Health Defense and hundreds of others faced unimaginable hell for telling the truth. I hope that they're able to feel some peace in seeing that the tide has finally turned, and their messages have finally broken through.
For my part, I offer context and endeavor to lift the voices of the many truth-tellers:
MMR vaccines provoked seizures in children. Measles transmitted by the vaccinated. Get 12 essential facts. Peruse more than 100 references dating back to 1991. Easily, quickly verify source material.
It occurred to me that part of the reduction in the fatality rate of the diseases over time may be due to natural selection. The most susceptible may have been disproportionately killed by the diseases when the death rates were high, at the start of the modern, high population density era, leaving a more resistant population.
I'd really like to know the impact of industrial-era manufacturing and factory conditions, and their resultant pollution, as a cause of these primarily skin and lung conditions.
THE VIRUS IS MY GOD. The “virus” is claimed to have invaded a town in the old west and soon worshiped as a new idol among the populace: Watch the music video here:
And for the penultimate citation, which includes the eminent data analyst Frederick Mosteller, who served the Harvard faculty for decades, at one time or another chairing five different departments and fields of knowledge.
Thank you for restating and adding more very interesting material to historical accounts you have already posted on these awful diseases. I always benefit from reviewing this history and fresh insights you give. I will forward this to a friend who is keen to read your book Dissolving Illusions. I find that most people with whom I discuss this history have no idea of these statistics. It is a gross and arguably criminal failing of medical schools and training providers to not only not
include this historical perspective within doctor and nurse training but also and importantly to require rigorous discussion about the implications of it for the type of
myths about vaccines that doctors and nurses continue to advance in public as well as private consultation, (one knows from anecdote such conversations are common).
New readers need to see these posts. Thank you for your work.
Regarding Vitamin C.
Dr Archie Kalokerinos was a famous doctor in NSW, Australia that managed to reverse the mortality rates of aboriginal babies as he realised they were suffering from scurvy.The Govt depts fought him at every step as he also was saying the multiple vaccinations to an already sick child were killing the kids.When he traveled to the Northern Territory the hospital doctors and heads of the administration, refused to meet with him.
Notice the idea that reducing infant mortality to zero in Clownworld is classified in "newspeak" as "not being supported by evidence-based medicine"
Wikipedia..that corrupt rag for Bigpharma/Consensus "science" said the following.
"He became notable for treating indigenous Australians with a ”counter intuitive” therapy: high intravenous doses of vitamin C, a treatment generally used for patients with severe or subclinical scurvy (not treatable with daily oral intake), but criticized for not being supported by evidence-based medicine, although it brought the infant mortality rate there down to zero.[4]"
How bizarre that is. But at least the statement is there in Wikidepia, I guess.
I hope that Bobby Kennedy has not only read your book, but that he also act on the facts as you have presented them. What mystifies me at the moment is that the Ag Dept. plans to do everything but the right thing in order to rid laying hens of bird flu. Let the hens develop immunity by ending the culling of millions of hens. Brooke Rollins is a disappointment.
I've read your book a few years ago, Dissolving Illusions, and already then came to understand that illness is caused by contamination, malnutrition, parasites and poisoning. I cannot remember who said the Black Death was a result of the elites poisoning common people's drinking water. Today poisons are everywhere and in everything. Especially injections called vaccines (for which there is no definition and no regulation).
Sincere gratitude for your valuable contributions! Having become aware of vax issues in the late 90s when my kids were young, I appreciate seeing so many people telling the truths that have been suppressed for so long. It's a wonder to see real-time countering of agendas, including the tired, but long-effective, fear-mongering around infectious diseases to obtain compliance for vaccines and to strike down individual rights. I hope this means that more parents are able to make more informed decisions.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Sayer Ji, Children’s Health Defense and hundreds of others faced unimaginable hell for telling the truth. I hope that they're able to feel some peace in seeing that the tide has finally turned, and their messages have finally broken through.
For my part, I offer context and endeavor to lift the voices of the many truth-tellers:
MMR vaccines provoked seizures in children. Measles transmitted by the vaccinated. Get 12 essential facts. Peruse more than 100 references dating back to 1991. Easily, quickly verify source material.
Vaccine Harms: Reports by Vaccine Type
Drug & Vaccine Harms - Organized by Illness or Symptom
Vaccines are the disease.
It occurred to me that part of the reduction in the fatality rate of the diseases over time may be due to natural selection. The most susceptible may have been disproportionately killed by the diseases when the death rates were high, at the start of the modern, high population density era, leaving a more resistant population.
I'd really like to know the impact of industrial-era manufacturing and factory conditions, and their resultant pollution, as a cause of these primarily skin and lung conditions.
Excellent information to know along with charts to see that decline.
THE VIRUS IS MY GOD. The “virus” is claimed to have invaded a town in the old west and soon worshiped as a new idol among the populace: Watch the music video here:
Thanks for this essay.
And for the penultimate citation, which includes the eminent data analyst Frederick Mosteller, who served the Harvard faculty for decades, at one time or another chairing five different departments and fields of knowledge.