Absolutely... And we're losing so much in the process. Old growth forests are not just lungs, but brains, too!

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Dec 5Edited

You are playing fearmongering and people's emotions. World Resources Institute. Funds from Rockefellers. Greenpeace. Funds from Rockefellers. Fossil fuels, really? Climate change. As it is weaponized by an evil group is just politics, plans and agendas. It would be partial true if those who believe they own the world would stop the wars, the weapons production, the chemical experiments, the human experiments, the waste of food and water, would feed the poorest countries, would stop selling cola and everything in plastic bottles, would make less synthetic drugs and things, would plant more trees after they cut forests, they would encourage the use of garbage for producing energy etc, they would do something different. Well, no, they do not do anything of these but only making ordinary people to feel quilty that they are alive and helpless. THEY, who are owning the definitions, the vocabulary, the "science" are not prepare to see how it is when all the people will reject in the end all their indoctrination and manipulation. Ask yourself more often "how I got my own beliefs, what do I think about this and that and why" and you may have surprises and reasonable doubts about your beliefs.

So you lost me....your copy paste is not convincing.

And nothing about greenpeace activists in Peru who damaged a more than 1,000-year-old sacred cultural site during a protest? Oh, that's allowed, their bosses can not be touched.

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