Until recently I had believed that it was our duty, as adults, to be vaccinated against pertussis, partly to protect ourselves, but most importantly to prevent ourselves from infecting newborns and infants who were at serious risk of harm or death from this disease, and who were too young to be vaccinated.
Now I have learned that while this may have been true of the cellular pertussis vaccines, that these were abandoned over a decade ago due to the harm and death they inflicted on some children (adults as well?) and that the new acellular pertussis vaccine is well known, by researchers at least, to be ineffective at stopping transmission. For instance, from Warfel et al. 2013, "Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model" https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1314688110 . The acellular vaccine is intended to raise an immune response against a single antigen - the toxin produced by the bacteria - rather than against proteins of the bacteria itself. Such immunity might, in principle, reduce symptoms from an infection, but it does little or nothing to reduce the risk of infection or transmission of the disease.
Now we learn that these acellular vaccines not only do little or nothing to stop transmission from an infected person, or to stop a person from being infected, but that they may increase transmission by increasing the chance of infection and/or by increasing severity and/or that the infection may be asymptomatic, so the infected person does not know to isolate themselves.
Many medical professionals, like the general public, are devoted to the vaccine cult - hoping and believing, to the point of insisting, that these injections (usually) of a specialised fluid developed at vast expense by legions of priestly PhDs, will protect them from disease and so from passing it on to others. They believe the vaccines are safe and effective. If they were, and if there were no other ways to tackle the disease, they would indeed by modern marvels everyone should be encouraged to accept. However, they are generally much less effective and/or more dangerous than popularly believed.
Furthermore, the intervention which would most effectively reduce the incidence, severity and transmission of all bacterial, fungal and virals diseases is proper vitamin D3 supplementation to attain at least the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly. Without such proper supplementation, according to body weight and obesity status - https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#00-how-much - most people have half or less of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D they need to be healthy. (There's very little vitamin D3 in food, fortified or not, or in multivitamins. UV-B exposure of ideally white skin can produce healthy amounts of vitamin D3, but this is not naturally available except in the middle of cloud-free summer days - with no glass, clothing or sunscreen attenuating it. Furthermore, all such UV-B skin exposure damages DNA and so raises the risk of cancer.)
25-hydroxyvitamin D is produced largely in the liver from ingested or ultraviolet-B skin-produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. 50 ng/mL is 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass. This is what is measured in "vitamin D" blood tests. 25-hydroxyvitamin D is needed by the kidneys to regulate calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism (they only need 20 ng/mL or more) and by many types of immune cell, which really need at least 50 ng/mL, to run these cells intracrine (inside each cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells, usually of different types) signaling systems. These systems are not know to the great majority of medical professions, immunologists, virologists, epidemiologists, vaccinologists or even to most people who write vitamin D research articles.
Only in recent years have these intracrine (sometimes incorrectly referred to as "autocrine") and paracrine signaling systems in macrophages, dendritic cells Th1 lymphocytes (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-021-01080-3 explained at https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#chauss) been discovered There are no tutorials which enable non-specialists to understand these systems, which play a crucial role in each cell's (of many cell types) ability to respond to its changing circumstances. I wrote such a tutorial as part of this discussion of the most pertinent research on 25-hydroxyvitamin D and the immune system: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ and in greater detail at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/02-intracrine/.
Assaulting billions of people, including pregnant women and infants, with ill-judged, poorly tested, not very effective, sometimes very harmful - but always highly profitable - vaccines, while the great majority of the population's immune systems remain crippled by inadequate 25-hydroxyvitamin D, is the height of corrupted, groupthunk, inept, madness.
Neither vitamin D3 nor 25-hydroxyvitamin D function as hormones. These two - and the third compound 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D calcitriol - have very different roles in the body. They are not all "vitamin D" - only the first one is a vitamin. Calcitriol has one hormonal role, but its role in dozens to hundreds of cell types, which generate it in response to a particular, cell-type-specific condition, has nothing to do with hormonal signaling. There, it functions as an intracrine agent or a paracrine agent.
In natural infection, the bacteria secrete several toxins, one of which only emerges after the infection occurs. That is called adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT). Once whooping cough bacteria attach to cells in the bronchi, a gene in the bacteria switches on and ACT is produced, which acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiphagocytic force field, stopping the immune system from recognizing bacteria. This gives the bacteria about a two-week advantage until the immune system wakes up to the fact that it has been duped. In the case of natural whooping cough immunity, ACT forms the basis of the initial immune response. This frontline immune response to ACT is not only critical for eliminating the first round of pertussis bacteria, but it is also crucial for removing bacteria upon later reinfection. As J. D. Cherry, MD, noted:
"In a study of adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT)... children with a primary B pertussis infection had a vigorous antibody response to ACT. In contrast, the antibody response to ACT in those whose DTaP vaccine failed was blunted. At that time, the authors suggested that this was similar to “original antigenic sin” in influenza."
[J. D. Cherry, MD, “The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines—Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future,” Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, September 2019, pp. 334-341.]
During natural infection, once the airway immune system sees through the forcefield, it reacts very strongly to ACT and other parts of the bacteria in a stepwise progression. But because of vaccine-induced “original antigenic sin” and the absence of ACT in the vaccine, the vaccinated are not programmed to respond to ACT at all. The naturally convalesced have more than 17 times the amount of antibody to ACT than DTaP recipients and more than 9 times than DTP vaccinated, as measured after pertussis infection.
[J. D. Cherry et al., “Determination of Serum Antibody to Bordetella Pertussis Adenylate Cyclase Toxin in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children and in Children and Adults with Pertussis,” Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 15, no. 4, February 2004, pp. 502–507.]
You know that viruses don't exist, and that contagion is a myth, right? Make sure to read Dr. Cowan's "The Contagion Myth", assuming you have not done so already.
Lucky me born in the late 70's ... avoided the Tetanus one too. Haven't had anything 😕 not since early childhood and so far I've not been tempted to slice my arm open on a rusty old farmers plough to find out , but so far no death or spells in hospital. I do enjoy reading these historical pieces really well written , bravo
The fundamental issue with all diseases is nutrition and hygiene. Diseases drop naturally due to natural immunity too. Think bubonic plague that died oit without any help from vaccines or antibiotics. Some of this may have been due to local knowledge and natural medications.
In the 1930's doctors talked about "tubercular" types whom they were able to predict who would catch tuberculosis. Think obese people and diabetes. Susceptibility to tuberculosis was due to eating white flour and sugar. Same is true for diabetes. Slight improvements in diet have improved missing nutrients to prevent tuberculosis but increased quantities have led to diabetes and heart disease.
The one thing that is consistant across all vaccines is that the numbers have all dropped to nearly zero due to environmental factors before the money spinning vax is introduced. The second factor is that long term money spinning auto-immune diseases increase after the introduction of them normally after a spike of deaths caused by the jab.
The country that has the oldest records is England, which began keeping track at the national level in 1838. The USA didn’t begin until 1900. Some states (e.g., Massachusetts) started in the 1800s as well.
Dear Roman and followers, I hope you won't mind me posting the link to this video about how we have all been conned for so long. The video also promotes the Dissolving Illusions book. https://rumble.com/v5e0rt7-how-to-prevent-the-next-pandemic.html (15 minutes in length).
I love these articles. Do you have anything on the vitamin K shot given to newborns? My doctor says the evidence is irrefutable that the Vit-K shot is great. I want to refuse it.
Say something like this to your doctor; "With respect you are an indoctrinated oaf. You obviously are blind to the fact that vitamin K1 has a black box warning, this is the most severe of all "warnings" & is due to the fact that severe anaphylaxis can result when viamin k is given intraveinously (IV), symptoms of anaphylaxis include shock, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest & death! Yes I know it's not injected IV but is the health care "professional" gonna aspirate? And even if they do I still don't want that stuff in my baby!"
Aspirate; Injecting fluids directly into a blood vessel can be very dangerous and can lead to a range of unwanted effects, including nausea, dizziness, and even the possibility of a coma or sudden death (DEATH!!) for the patient. https://www.ciamedical.com/insights/how-to-aspirate-a-needle/
"What are Black Box Warnings? Black box warnings are the strictest warning that can be issued for a drug by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). First implemented in 1979, they are there to alert doctors to a potentially serious side effect of a medicine or to restrictions on the use of a medicine...." Read in full here; https://www.drugs.com/article/what-are-boxed-warnings.html
Due to well-established (BY WH0ME? I ASK?) guidelines, vitamin K1 is administered as a medication. For instance, newborns are given 1 mg K1 shortly after birth to prevent the potentially lethal vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB). Read in full here;
Vitamin K For Newborn Babies; You'll be offered an injection of vitamin K for your baby. This helps prevent a RARE (RARE!!! EMPHASIS MINE!!) bleeding disorder called haemorrhagic disease of the newborn. Read in full here (I always give the orthodox view a fair bite of the cherry😉);
If they don't eat humble pie after all that, finish with the "piece de resistance"; "Are you stating that "vitamins" exist as chemical structures necessary for health? If so this need to be substantiated, so could you please explain to me the process of isolation of vitamins, working through the process logically & using your own words (not A.I.) to show you comprehend the subject, adhering of course to the KISS principle; Keeping It Short & Simple. Ta very much."
Suzanne Humphries has an entire video on these shots. Unfortunately I'm traveling at the moment and I don't have access to that information. See if you can find it in Suzanne's channel. https://odysee.com/$/invite/@drsuzanneh:f
OK, for some reason, I keep getting things about whooping cough in my newsfeed and I have no bloody reason why nor do I understand.
However, the oddity is a friend of mine‘s children was just diagnosed with it.
So of course, I’m trying to read on it to help her find the proper realistic solution that is not touted by the medical community…
And everyone of these articles so far I’m seeing on Substack are not addressing. How do you treat it?
And yes, both of her children have the violent coughing which ends up creating projectile vomiting every 30 minutes. That was the first week. It’s been four weeks. Our kids are still coughing and throwing up a couple of times a day.
Went to buy something to clean a wound.
One had Red Dye and the other had citric acid( made from black fungus, I hear).
Finally I realized that I already had an agent at home that the old folks used, Witchhazel. Worked great.
Always wary of for profit medicine.
Great post on Whooping cough. Shared with friends. Dissolving Illusions Book should be required in medical schools.
Until recently I had believed that it was our duty, as adults, to be vaccinated against pertussis, partly to protect ourselves, but most importantly to prevent ourselves from infecting newborns and infants who were at serious risk of harm or death from this disease, and who were too young to be vaccinated.
Now I have learned that while this may have been true of the cellular pertussis vaccines, that these were abandoned over a decade ago due to the harm and death they inflicted on some children (adults as well?) and that the new acellular pertussis vaccine is well known, by researchers at least, to be ineffective at stopping transmission. For instance, from Warfel et al. 2013, "Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model" https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1314688110 . The acellular vaccine is intended to raise an immune response against a single antigen - the toxin produced by the bacteria - rather than against proteins of the bacteria itself. Such immunity might, in principle, reduce symptoms from an infection, but it does little or nothing to reduce the risk of infection or transmission of the disease.
Now we learn that these acellular vaccines not only do little or nothing to stop transmission from an infected person, or to stop a person from being infected, but that they may increase transmission by increasing the chance of infection and/or by increasing severity and/or that the infection may be asymptomatic, so the infected person does not know to isolate themselves.
Many medical professionals, like the general public, are devoted to the vaccine cult - hoping and believing, to the point of insisting, that these injections (usually) of a specialised fluid developed at vast expense by legions of priestly PhDs, will protect them from disease and so from passing it on to others. They believe the vaccines are safe and effective. If they were, and if there were no other ways to tackle the disease, they would indeed by modern marvels everyone should be encouraged to accept. However, they are generally much less effective and/or more dangerous than popularly believed.
Furthermore, the intervention which would most effectively reduce the incidence, severity and transmission of all bacterial, fungal and virals diseases is proper vitamin D3 supplementation to attain at least the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly. Without such proper supplementation, according to body weight and obesity status - https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#00-how-much - most people have half or less of the 25-hydroxyvitamin D they need to be healthy. (There's very little vitamin D3 in food, fortified or not, or in multivitamins. UV-B exposure of ideally white skin can produce healthy amounts of vitamin D3, but this is not naturally available except in the middle of cloud-free summer days - with no glass, clothing or sunscreen attenuating it. Furthermore, all such UV-B skin exposure damages DNA and so raises the risk of cancer.)
25-hydroxyvitamin D is produced largely in the liver from ingested or ultraviolet-B skin-produced vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. 50 ng/mL is 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass. This is what is measured in "vitamin D" blood tests. 25-hydroxyvitamin D is needed by the kidneys to regulate calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism (they only need 20 ng/mL or more) and by many types of immune cell, which really need at least 50 ng/mL, to run these cells intracrine (inside each cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells, usually of different types) signaling systems. These systems are not know to the great majority of medical professions, immunologists, virologists, epidemiologists, vaccinologists or even to most people who write vitamin D research articles.
Only in recent years have these intracrine (sometimes incorrectly referred to as "autocrine") and paracrine signaling systems in macrophages, dendritic cells Th1 lymphocytes (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-021-01080-3 explained at https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#chauss) been discovered There are no tutorials which enable non-specialists to understand these systems, which play a crucial role in each cell's (of many cell types) ability to respond to its changing circumstances. I wrote such a tutorial as part of this discussion of the most pertinent research on 25-hydroxyvitamin D and the immune system: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ and in greater detail at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/02-intracrine/.
Assaulting billions of people, including pregnant women and infants, with ill-judged, poorly tested, not very effective, sometimes very harmful - but always highly profitable - vaccines, while the great majority of the population's immune systems remain crippled by inadequate 25-hydroxyvitamin D, is the height of corrupted, groupthunk, inept, madness.
Neither vitamin D3 nor 25-hydroxyvitamin D function as hormones. These two - and the third compound 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D calcitriol - have very different roles in the body. They are not all "vitamin D" - only the first one is a vitamin. Calcitriol has one hormonal role, but its role in dozens to hundreds of cell types, which generate it in response to a particular, cell-type-specific condition, has nothing to do with hormonal signaling. There, it functions as an intracrine agent or a paracrine agent.
Spot on!
In natural infection, the bacteria secrete several toxins, one of which only emerges after the infection occurs. That is called adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT). Once whooping cough bacteria attach to cells in the bronchi, a gene in the bacteria switches on and ACT is produced, which acts as an anti-inflammatory and antiphagocytic force field, stopping the immune system from recognizing bacteria. This gives the bacteria about a two-week advantage until the immune system wakes up to the fact that it has been duped. In the case of natural whooping cough immunity, ACT forms the basis of the initial immune response. This frontline immune response to ACT is not only critical for eliminating the first round of pertussis bacteria, but it is also crucial for removing bacteria upon later reinfection. As J. D. Cherry, MD, noted:
"In a study of adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT)... children with a primary B pertussis infection had a vigorous antibody response to ACT. In contrast, the antibody response to ACT in those whose DTaP vaccine failed was blunted. At that time, the authors suggested that this was similar to “original antigenic sin” in influenza."
[J. D. Cherry, MD, “The 112-Year Odyssey of Pertussis and Pertussis Vaccines—Mistakes Made and Implications for the Future,” Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, September 2019, pp. 334-341.]
During natural infection, once the airway immune system sees through the forcefield, it reacts very strongly to ACT and other parts of the bacteria in a stepwise progression. But because of vaccine-induced “original antigenic sin” and the absence of ACT in the vaccine, the vaccinated are not programmed to respond to ACT at all. The naturally convalesced have more than 17 times the amount of antibody to ACT than DTaP recipients and more than 9 times than DTP vaccinated, as measured after pertussis infection.
[J. D. Cherry et al., “Determination of Serum Antibody to Bordetella Pertussis Adenylate Cyclase Toxin in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children and in Children and Adults with Pertussis,” Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 15, no. 4, February 2004, pp. 502–507.]
You know that viruses don't exist, and that contagion is a myth, right? Make sure to read Dr. Cowan's "The Contagion Myth", assuming you have not done so already.
Lucky me born in the late 70's ... avoided the Tetanus one too. Haven't had anything 😕 not since early childhood and so far I've not been tempted to slice my arm open on a rusty old farmers plough to find out , but so far no death or spells in hospital. I do enjoy reading these historical pieces really well written , bravo
The fundamental issue with all diseases is nutrition and hygiene. Diseases drop naturally due to natural immunity too. Think bubonic plague that died oit without any help from vaccines or antibiotics. Some of this may have been due to local knowledge and natural medications.
In the 1930's doctors talked about "tubercular" types whom they were able to predict who would catch tuberculosis. Think obese people and diabetes. Susceptibility to tuberculosis was due to eating white flour and sugar. Same is true for diabetes. Slight improvements in diet have improved missing nutrients to prevent tuberculosis but increased quantities have led to diabetes and heart disease.
The one thing that is consistant across all vaccines is that the numbers have all dropped to nearly zero due to environmental factors before the money spinning vax is introduced. The second factor is that long term money spinning auto-immune diseases increase after the introduction of them normally after a spike of deaths caused by the jab.
Aint the miracle of modern scientism grand
I'm curious as to why so much data is from outside the U.S. Is it because the US doesn't have good, reliable data? And if this is so, do you know why?
The country that has the oldest records is England, which began keeping track at the national level in 1838. The USA didn’t begin until 1900. Some states (e.g., Massachusetts) started in the 1800s as well.
Dear Roman and followers, I hope you won't mind me posting the link to this video about how we have all been conned for so long. The video also promotes the Dissolving Illusions book. https://rumble.com/v5e0rt7-how-to-prevent-the-next-pandemic.html (15 minutes in length).
I love these articles. Do you have anything on the vitamin K shot given to newborns? My doctor says the evidence is irrefutable that the Vit-K shot is great. I want to refuse it.
Say something like this to your doctor; "With respect you are an indoctrinated oaf. You obviously are blind to the fact that vitamin K1 has a black box warning, this is the most severe of all "warnings" & is due to the fact that severe anaphylaxis can result when viamin k is given intraveinously (IV), symptoms of anaphylaxis include shock, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest & death! Yes I know it's not injected IV but is the health care "professional" gonna aspirate? And even if they do I still don't want that stuff in my baby!"
Aspirate; Injecting fluids directly into a blood vessel can be very dangerous and can lead to a range of unwanted effects, including nausea, dizziness, and even the possibility of a coma or sudden death (DEATH!!) for the patient. https://www.ciamedical.com/insights/how-to-aspirate-a-needle/
"What are Black Box Warnings? Black box warnings are the strictest warning that can be issued for a drug by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). First implemented in 1979, they are there to alert doctors to a potentially serious side effect of a medicine or to restrictions on the use of a medicine...." Read in full here; https://www.drugs.com/article/what-are-boxed-warnings.html
Due to well-established (BY WH0ME? I ASK?) guidelines, vitamin K1 is administered as a medication. For instance, newborns are given 1 mg K1 shortly after birth to prevent the potentially lethal vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB). Read in full here;
Vitamin K For Newborn Babies; You'll be offered an injection of vitamin K for your baby. This helps prevent a RARE (RARE!!! EMPHASIS MINE!!) bleeding disorder called haemorrhagic disease of the newborn. Read in full here (I always give the orthodox view a fair bite of the cherry😉);
Phytonadione (Vitamin K1) The orthodoxy here still references black box warning!; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK557622/#:~:text=Phytonadione%20%28vitamin%20K1%29%20has%20a%20black%20box%20warning,may%20cause%20shock%2C%20respiratory%20arrest%2C%20and%20cardiac%20arrest.
If they don't eat humble pie after all that, finish with the "piece de resistance"; "Are you stating that "vitamins" exist as chemical structures necessary for health? If so this need to be substantiated, so could you please explain to me the process of isolation of vitamins, working through the process logically & using your own words (not A.I.) to show you comprehend the subject, adhering of course to the KISS principle; Keeping It Short & Simple. Ta very much."
Suzanne Humphries has an entire video on these shots. Unfortunately I'm traveling at the moment and I don't have access to that information. See if you can find it in Suzanne's channel. https://odysee.com/$/invite/@drsuzanneh:f
What evidence did doc give you? I bet the answer is zero
OK, for some reason, I keep getting things about whooping cough in my newsfeed and I have no bloody reason why nor do I understand.
However, the oddity is a friend of mine‘s children was just diagnosed with it.
So of course, I’m trying to read on it to help her find the proper realistic solution that is not touted by the medical community…
And everyone of these articles so far I’m seeing on Substack are not addressing. How do you treat it?
And yes, both of her children have the violent coughing which ends up creating projectile vomiting every 30 minutes. That was the first week. It’s been four weeks. Our kids are still coughing and throwing up a couple of times a day.
Any pointers?
Suzanne Humphries MD has a protocol for treating whooping cough with Vitamin C.
Super, thank you!
You don't treat it. Just make sure they aren't on any drugs.