So, per usual, the shot doesn’t work as advertised. Worse than that, it makes people more susceptible — not less — to the very thing it was supposed to protect against. And the proposed solution to this albeit very profitable dumpster fire… (drumroll please)

More vaccines!

Boosters every three years for life!

(And, tellingly, no explanation of how the boosters aren’t also going to make you yet MORE susceptible, like the initial series of shots did.)

Sound familiar? It should. Because this is the exact same script we’re hearing from the covid experts.

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They are all totally fraudulent and junk science.

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Whooping cough is bacterial btw … for future reference

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No, it's not. Bacteria do not CAUSE disease. Prove me wrong. Where is the proof that whatever bacteria causes whooping cough?

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Of course that could be a lie. But, that’s what we’ve been told. The only way you can know for sure is to get a microscope yourself. Have you found some report by others, stating that the whooping cough is not caused by a bacteria? If so, please share that with me. All you need to do is a simple search to find information about the bacterial cause of whooping cough. But the fact of the matter is that the proverbial ‘they’ have publicly declared the whooping cough to be a bacterial disease VS a viral.

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PS: "they" lie about pretty much everything. Why would they suddently tell you the truth when it comes to bacteria? You need to deprogram yourself from the germ theory as you still appear to cling to it.

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"All you need to do is a simple search to find information about the bacterial cause of whooping cough." - you speak like a normie, still misguided in the belief in scientism. If it is so simple, then please share one experiment here that shows that some bacterium causes whooping cough.

To make it easy for you, here's a nice article and video that explains why your claim is false: https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/germ-theory/whooping-cough-and-the-vaccine-myth/.

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Where’s the proof that it doesn’t? I’d be happy to look at whatever evidence you’ve come across.

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You cannot prove a negative. You obviously have no clue how scientific experiments work. If you claim something like this, the onus is on you to prove the claim - not on me to prove that your claim is false. Please educate yourself.

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When it’s being used for genocide … it’s more than a distraction. And Distraction from what exactly? From some other lie? Something just as horrific?

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Right, distraction from the virus lie. As long as "they" (https://odysee.com/@archive:eec/TheInternationalJew:2) have us discussing whether these chemical weapons are vaccines or not, and how harmful they are, people won't ask the question "do viruses even exist at all?".

Plus, another big lie being distracted from is the carbon credit neofeudal system that's rolled out in the background. I hope you don't believe in climate change caused by humans, or cow farts. ;)

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The virus lie is definitely not a big theme… however, the bio weapons are the biggest immediate threat and that’s why THAT lie needs to be confronted.

The lie about global warming and all that, is a popular stance and has been for years.

The problem is, they are coming at us from so many angles. The lies are many.

The beast system is in full swing.

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You're missing the point: there are no "bioweapons', these are all chemical weapons.


And don't forget, https://odysee.com/@archive:eec/TheInternationalJew:2 is behind most of it, if not all of it.

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Excellent historical documentation.

There is no need to invoke unproven hypotheses about ‘viruses’ and ‘immunity’. Vaccines are simply poisons. ‘What Really Makes You Ill’ explains illness. ‘Virus Mania’ deals with fake viruses.

They can’t name 3 safe ingredients in vaccines.

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Vaccines are just the distraction "they" (https://odysee.com/@archive:eec/TheInternationalJew:2) have created to give the people the illusion that viruses exist - they don't. Neither do infectious diseases.

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Let no drugs, vaccines or mRNA poisons be thy strength. The best health possible comes from avoiding these disruptors and poisons. They were never required centuries ago and still man survived and flourished despite greater environmental toxins and greater odds. The only purpose of the drug industry is to sell drugs for profit, make doctors exceedingly rich and never for inspired and improved health.

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A comprehensive yet clear overview of the pertussis vaccine and aftermath. Part of the story is very similar to poliomyelitis, the dubious vaccine for which enabled one of Salk’s two Nobels.

It seems a safe conclusion that anything that blocks the formation of a responsive o

Immune system in children is an anathema— but commercial interest will keep those efforts alive.

As well as terrifying the public at large through the media and fraudulent “experts”, for which I always go back to Ancerl Keys and his “studies” of the effect of dietary fat.

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All vaccine stories are the same, since they all hinge on the same non-existence of viruses or contagious diseases in general.

Also, there is no "immune system", since there is nothing to be "immune" from. The whole concept of "autoimmune disease" for that matter also is a hoax.



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I’m in partial agreement with your comment. I’ve a scientific/engineering background and I find the theory of the existence of “viruses” is troubling and unconvincing. The apotheosis of the manipulation of science (scientism) is, of course, the pandemic. In all technical respects Covid19 was an artifice constructed politically.

However, I disagree with skeptics of the “germ theory of disease”, because I believe the existence of bacteria, fungi and other living pathogens that can be vectors of disease (“terrain theory”). I don’t believe that immunity belongs with viruses as “imaginary”. I would just say simply that the world’s oldest continuing theory of health, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is based on the principle of qi — and includes immunity (wei qi) as a related concept. It principles align importantly with much of terrain theory.

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Virology is propaganda for the vaccine industrial complex.

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My child's pediatrician (who passed away after being struck by a car, while cycling to work) said all the kids in his practice who had whooping cough, had taken the vaccine. My kid later on, developed a chronic cough. Our homoeopath from Mumbai, stayed at my house and saw many patients. He noted my child's cough; the remedy didn't help. Driving him back to the airport, I mentioned another kid had whooping cough. He said 'why didn't you mention that earlier' he prescribed another remedy, and the cough subsided within a few days. I don't want to turn homoeopathic medicine into an ideology. I am always questioning the mechanism of action, which I don't think we know yet, and I hope it's not simply placebo. Maybe it does have something to do with the resonating frequencies of tubules in the neurons converting specific information in the dilution, into sensory experience. Don't know. Regardless, toxic vaccines don't protect against pertussis, and other modalities can prevent or cure it.

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"whooping cough and other infectious diseases": there you go again Roman. Why? Infectious diseases don't exist. I guess you still haven't read The Contagion Myth and you still haven't done some critical thinking. So sad. Talk about groupthink: the whole germ paradigm is a classic example of that. Think for yourself.

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On the other hand Roman encouraged Daniel Roytas to write "Can You Catch A Cold". An extremely important book and perhaps the 2024 version of Contagion Myth. Sometimes we give into a "sound", without hesitation, that is their word, but that we need to learn to avoid. Like "infectious" or "immunity" or "asymptomatic carrier". It takes practice and let's be honest - we were using these sounds until we woke up.

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Thank you - this is great work. So pertussis or coughing is caused by a bacteria, which can be controlled naturally and with vitamins....but the establishment remedy is to stab poisons into your arm, circulate junk into the blood, which supposedly 'kills' the bacteria in the throat ?

Not sure how my shoulder and blood, equate with my throat (but I am just an idiot, not the science).

However, an observation. Isn't this their protocol against a 'virus'. :) So 'the science' is stating that the pertussis bacteria is a virus and needs a magic quackcine. Interesting.

Bacteria exist, spores exist, viruses do not. So why are they treating bacteria as viruses (antibiotics could be used against the throat bacteria one assumes, or vitamins or naturopathy).

Seems 'The $cience' is confu$ed, on purpo$e. :)

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No, bacteria don't cause disease, they try to help the body to clean up whatever toxins are making people sick. Make sure to read The Contagion Myth and https://odysee.com/@ThinkOutsideTheGlobe:b/virus-mania-pdf:2.

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"Mullis's views on AIDS had a disastrous aftermath. A 2008 study published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes estimated that due to the belief that AIDS is due to poverty and denial of treatment thereof, resulted in 35,000 babies being born with HIV and 330,000 South Africans dying of AIDS. Virus mania is not based on up-to-date science. ART (which has side effects) prolongs life by decades in the HIV infected...When Mullis won the Nobel, Schekman made a bet with one of the other laureates that year that Mullis would be the only American Nobel Prize winner to never be elected to the National Academy of Sciences....Rabinow asked Erlich and Saiki, two scientists whose experimental rigor made PCR possible, how they felt about Mullis winning the Nobel. “I feel bad that I couldn’t feel better about it,” Saiki said. “Kary has his good points and bad points; the point is that we worked together.” Erlich said, “Mullis had a great idea, which he followed up with years of misrepresentation and self-promotion." Most bacteria and viruses are not pathogenic, some are..."Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) isolation from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) allows retrieval of replication-competent viral variants. In order to impose the smallest possible selective pressure on the viral isolates, isolation must be carried out in primary cultures of cells and not in tumor derived cell lines. The procedure involves culture of PBMCs from an infected patient with phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated PBMC from seronegative donors, which provide susceptible target cells for HIV replication. HIV can be isolated from the bulk population of PBMCs or after cloning of the cells to obtain viral biological clones."HIV-1 isolation from infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Stefania Dispinseri et al.

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So, what about when a group of people at various locations eat food contaminated with E. coli and come down with severe symptoms? You are saying that E. Coli is not pathogenic?

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They will say 1/its an anecdote 2/Coincidence...Yes I know its a retort of the smug and dim...they ignore what they don`t like or understand.They appear to believe (they are obtuse on simple points) that bacteria and viruses are "mental contructs"....i have asked them repeatedly to drink "filtered" sewerage or go and drink the water from the Ganges to prove safety...they then say I am closed minded..hilarious stuff yet they keep posting their nonsense...

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What befuddles me is that the purveyors of these ideas are well educated people. Kelly Brogan is extremely articulate and worked as a psychiatrist in the past. She subscribes and promotes Terrain theory, which is her prerogative of course, but there is so much proof that symptoms result from the interaction of environmental stressors and infection with 'Terrain.' Also, they are using very old science to support their theories. Kary Mullis had a brain wave perhaps LSD opened his mind further to the idea of PCR. An alternate team had success when studying its usefulness. Mullis didn't although he seeded the idea. But, using Mullis as a hero to prove HIV does not cause AIDS is very narrow minded. If this group is certain HIV does not cause AIDS because viruses don't exist (despite all the babies that have contracted HIV), they should be willing to accept a blood transfusion that contains the virus. I can't imagine any of them agreeing to that, which proves their hypothesis is built on a faulty foundation. Again, people are entitled to their opinions, I have lots of them and am so often wrong. It is foolish though to blindly take on board these theories without doing a thorough investigation of the counter arguments, which in this case prove that viruses really do exist, and some are pathogenic and cause disease via contagion.

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