Thank you for this outstanding article. Your book, 'Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History' along with co-author, the brilliant and courageous Dr. Suzanne Humphries, is quite simply the best book on this topic. The world needs to know the truth. Your work has helped move us it that direction. God speed.

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Thank you very much for your kind words!

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Thank you a 1,000times over for writing this piece. I have NEVER believed that jabs were a healthy thing to have. I feel completely vindicated for my stand against vaxxing, especially now.

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Thank you! There is that history we were never taught. When I started my journey about 25 years ago I had no idea and in fact I was pro vaccine. Data and history slowly changed my mind.

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Can't wait to see you come around to the realization that there are no germs out there trying to get us...

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A Brilliant piece Roman. Thank you for taking the time to put this together.

I too have been sharing the words from the archives on my substack, they are so revealing. If only more peple knew.

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Thanks very much for your kind words.

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The establishment likes to look into disease as a war.

They think it's some germ invader and they target what they think the invader is.

Many times, the invader is actually broken down cells, RNA, bacteria, parasites etc.

But in actuality the cause is from toxins in the environment and/or malnutrition.

This is why they can't cure anything. The mentality of medical science is still thinking of the superstitious past.


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Thanks, Roman. Another excellent piece. Do you have an opinion on vaccinations against respiratory infections? I am now at a stage where I consider all 'vaccines' against respiratoy infections useless. At best, considering there will always be risks involved. That includes the widely distributed flu vaccines. I have not seen any evidence anywhere that points to effectiveness of these inocculations.

Our immune system is a fantastic, complicated organism. Reading your piece, it seems we have not come very far since the days of Jenner. The idea that mRNA absorbed by body cells, by means of self created spike proteins will trick the immune system, would prevent a relatieely mild infection is a sign of human arrogance.

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I think it might be useful for you to read my article on Whooping Cough. Let me know if you have other comments and/or questions.


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Thank you for the quick response. I had actually seen that article, but had not made the connection with the mucosal system. Maybe because pertussis is triggered by a bacterium, and I was focusing on viral infections. But the basic logic is the same I guess. The article does indeed provide background about the role of the mucosal system (for lack of a better name) in addressing pathogens. A brief background why I am interested in specifically the flu shots:

I am over 60 and have received flu shot invitations since my 60th. Never took one for various reasons. First of all I was aware that the 'cocktail' that they serve targets a number of probable strains that may or may not spread in a particular winter season. Secondly, I figured if I would be so feeble I would not be able to clear the flu, its probably time to accept that my time here has come to and end. Thirdly I realised that many people claiming they had 'flu' actually had some kind of other much milder airway infection.

When the Covid madness broke out, and the mRNA 'vaccines' were promoted as the only way out, I quickly realised we should stay away from these injections.

Because of all the reading (amongst others your and Susan Humphreys Dissolving Illusions) my views changed even more.

Hence my interest in the annual flu shot. Many people are taking them, it must be a gigantic source of income for the main participants. I did find some articles dating back to 2014 when it was still possible to challenge vaccinations without being labelled as 'antivaxx'. Also I saw a graph that showed that flu deaths in the US had not dropped since the introduction of the annual jabs. Which as usual leaves us with the side effects. There must have been more studies into the effectiveness of flu shots.

I guess my key question (has there ever been an effective vaccine against respiritory infections, or is it likely there will ever be one) can be answered with 'no'.

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The entire basis for protection against a microbe is fundamentally flawed. The mortality data shows a near 100% decline for all infectious diseases before vaccines (if any) and antibiotics. Whether there is a microbe or not doesn’t matter. The point is that it is about how healthy a person is, vastly outweighing any microbe that might cause a problem. Even Fauci admits the flu vaccine is a failure. Check out my article on this:


In a 2023 paper by Morens, Taubenberger, and Fauci, the authors acknowledge that despite decades of widespread utilization of influenza vaccines, they have largely failed in controlling influenza and other mucosal respiratory viruses.

As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases...Taking all of these factors into account, it is not surprising that none of the predominantly mucosal respiratory viruses have ever been effectively controlled by vaccines... Durably protective vaccines against non-systemic mucosal respiratory viruses with high mortality rates have thus far eluded vaccine development efforts.

[David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, and Anthony S. Fauci, “Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenza viruses, and other respiratory viruses,” Cell Host Microbe, January 11, 2023, pp. 146–157.]

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There are no "respiratory infections". Infectious diseases are a lie, viruses don't exist.

Make sure to read https://odysee.com/@ThinkOutsideTheGlobe:b/virus-mania-pdf:2. Or the just released https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/The-Final-Pandemic-Audiobook/B0DPJKPCTH.

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The actual definition of a virus is a toxin

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Wow. A highly educational, beautifully-written, and powerful piece. Thank you for sharing this, Roman. The fact that this is publicly available leads me to feel some hope.

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Roman, your article is powerful and enlightening. I admire your intellectual and moral independence.

Long ago, I learned that medicine in the USA has been dominated by government, since the last decades of the 19th century. The American Medical Association and its political doctors successfully lobbied state legislatures for licensing restrictions on doctors, together with the power for the AMA to dictate the curriculum of "medical schools", which was centered around the idea of germs causing illness and then "viruses" as the primary culprit.

More recent reading informed me that both Louis Pasteur of France and Robert Koch of Germany were basically courtiers of their governents; both sought and received abundant support and promotion by government institutions. This is why the refuted--proven false--ideas of germs and viruses attacking people took off like a rocket. Medical people are beholden to the State, wherever they practice...and not just a little.

It was only in reading of the recent "pandemic" that first I was alerted, and then, after a lot more reading, actually learned that viruses have never been found, nor isolated, nor purified, nor studied, nor characterized, nor used in actual experiments. They can't isolate any virus, as they admit, so they misleadingly change the definition of "isolation" to suit their story.

With no isolate of say smallpox (or chickenpox or measles or monkey pox--none clinically unique), they cannot conduct an actual experiment to prove whether OR NOT the isolate: 1) goes into ("infects") "cells"; 2) transmitts from "cell" to "cell" or "host" to "host" ; 3) replicates copies within cells; 4) causes illness when an organism is "exposed" to the "smallpox virus" (that has never been found). No such actual experiments have ever been conducted and then written about in a published study. If someone finds such a study, I want to see it. I want to read the methods section; I don't care about the headline, intro or conclusion.

As you wrote in your article about medical people being deeply entrenched in vaccination ideology, or else frigthtened to speak out, the same phenomena applies today regarding the govermment's Virus Story with its science-y rituals and decreed facts.

Thank you for your writing and brave independence. I realize you may not agree with me re the foregoing.

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Thank you so much! The idea of the animalcule, virus, etc., has been around for a long time! As I recall, this notion goes back to the 1500s or 1600s or perhaps even earlier. This seems to make sense, as groups of people would get sick together. Scurvy, beriberi, and pellagra all were considered infectious at one time or another. Fortunately, those few were determined to be essentially nutritional deficiencies; otherwise, we might all be getting vaccines for these diseases. I would love to see an experiment of an “isolated” flu and have that sprayed onto volunteers. That did happen in the early 1900s, and they couldn’t make anyone sick with the Spanish Flu.” I suspect this experiment won’t ever be sanctioned in the modern era as it might prove just a bit embarrassing. Maybe someone should do this controlled experiment (spray the others with saline and double-blind it) and then publish the results to the world. That would probably be a shocker for many!

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They can't do the study you proposed, because they have never isolated physically any flu or any other virus to use to spray. They claim to isolate, but after changing the definition to mean conduct cell culture rituals that yields dying cells. But that ritual has been debunked many times, 100 or so, including many control studies this last year by Jamie Andrews of UK. The control studies have always demonstrated the same cytopathic effect whether or not any "infected specimen" from a sick organism is added or withheld. Cells dying in the virologists' ritual is from the antibiotics and starvation medium that stress the cells, not from any imaginary "virus". They call their cell culture rituals "virus isolation" when they attain cells dying, maybe 30% of the time, because they pretend to know the die off was caused by a viral infection.

Other than this debunked ritual they misname virus isolation, which does not yield any viral isolate to study or use in experiments, there is no attempt to isolate any virus physically. They say that's not what we do. But that's no defense, they can't do it because there is no virus to isolate. When asked why they can't isolate, they say 1) it is too scarce to find and isolate, while also making up nonsense about 140 million virions in a sneeze. and 2) virions always supposedly hide in cells so we can't get them and isolate them. But how do virions jump from cell to cell, infecting as they go? How do they supposedly jump from host to host, spreading "contagion"? Those are nonsensical dodgey excuses.

Tom Cowan MD asked several chemists experienced in isolating protein molecules, as small or smaller than "virions" are said to be. Could you isolate [protein molecules if you had say 1,000 of them? Easily, is the response.

THanks Roman

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What I meant by “isolate,” as they did in the early 1900s, was to take cough and sneeze material and expose others to it in a controlled setting. I suspect the results would be that no one would get sick no matter how they “sprayed” it onto others.

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After I wrote my long comment, hours later, it occurred to me that is what you probably meant. Similar experiments to the one you suggested, I believe, from memory, have been performed as described in "Can You Catch a Cold?" by Dan Roytas. He reviewed 204 studies pertaining to flu and colds; half of them yielded null results and the others yielded results, usually weak, that could be accounted for by other more plausible sources of causation than "contagion" by invisible microbes. When properly controlled, none of the studies could demonstrate contagion.. The studies were designed and carried out by virus enthusiasts, so they often used heroic shock and awe techniques to try to make someone "catch" cold or flu. Thanks.

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In rereading the early chapters of your book, I notices your observation of toxin mediated bacterial illnesses. I assume this refers to aneroxic bacteria that produce toxic waste that in large quantities will make people sick.

Regarding Sammuelweise and others advocating less invasive birthing and hand washing, I get that clean hands have less potential for toxic touching than hands that were handling cadavers and chemicals. But your comment that no deaths resulted from births conducted by male technicians who did not use invasive birthing procedures jumped out. Which raises a question: did the women who survived male assistance do so by virtue of non invasive procedure regardless of hand washing preferences of their male delivery agents? Thanks.

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I’m not sure what I’m addressing here. From the book? Can you provide a reference? Thanks!

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I will look up and reference those two small points of questioning tonight when I have your book in hand. I thought about trying to forward the article you wrote on small pox vaccination effects to US Senator Rand Paul's office. He is a "conservative" vaccine enthusiast ("one of the great discoveries of modern science" or similar phrasing) so gets a big following from conservatives still laboring under misconception regarding vaccinations, germs and viruses, and causation of illness. Not that it's a crime; I was deluded all my life until 2020. Anyway, maybe one of his staff would read the article you wrote, causing ripples of dissention in his ranks. The history you researched, exposed and wrote about is a big deal, impressive. Thank you.

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Thanks! I spent huge (probably too much) time researching anything I wanted to know about. There were loads of studies and articles that I had to filter through my limited brain to make sense of it all. I’m happy if any of what I write and speak about makes a positive difference.

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On page 46 pertaining to Pertussis and page 47 re scarlet fever, both illnesses are desccribed as toxin-mediated bacterial disease. I asked about this, because in my limited understanding of bacterial illnesses, none of the designated "pathogenic" bacteria fullfil Koch's postulates, meaning they find the bacterium of choice in some but not all sick people and in some but not all well people. So I was wondering if "toxin-mediated" might refer to toxic waste products that have been proven to be produced by bacteria under conditions of no or low oxygen availability, I.e. toxins produced by anorexic bacteria.

I reread your chapter on small pox and the first vaccine last night, mostly reading but with some scanning also. I was struck by your accounts of populations religiously vaccinated multiple times "against" small pox. In Italty, in France, in Massachusetts and Chicago. In the Prussian army was it? Huge percentages after vaccination came down with small pox and many died, refuting the notion that vaccination yielded less severe cases of small pox.

What came to me a little later is the refusal of medical professionals (often with state licenses in allopathic practice) to admit the obvious truth of the great hazarts and non-protection afforded by vaccination, even often lying about small pox death victims having been small pox vaccinated to protect their precious vaccination idea from the truth. This illustratrates that government must never be permitted to regulate or prohibit or regiment science or medical practices. Governments do not care about truth, and people who get privileges awarded to them by the state are perfectly willing to lie and pretend to preserve their precious vested interests.

Back to your book. I had raised the question of Sammuelweise's hand washing in birthing and also his recommendation that doctors avoid invasive internal procedures, which doctors liked to do. I was wondering about the effects of toxins inserted into the placenta or wherever by docs with dirty hands, as compared to the effects of their invasive procedures, such as internal examinations. I don 't think bacteria caused infections in women, but do know of course women got sick and died partly pr maybe to a great extent by male midwives handleing cadavers and other sources of poison and then thrusting those hands inside women. Just trying to think about the subject, no debate intended. Thanks. I do think bacteria appeared inside women who experienced toxic insertions causing tissue damage so bacteria appeared to carry away toxins and components of cellular breakdown. Maybe there were low oxygen conditions, and so anorexic toin producing bacteria, that when eliminated by antibiotics helped women get better by reducing the toxic load.

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Outstanding and share-able piece, Roman. Thank you.

I may be inflicting my own EU bias here...but when I look at that 1645 to 1800 chart I seem to see a rising and falling pattern of every 20 or so years.

Solar cycles run about 11 years. Hm.


This would underscore my baseline/practical/ongoing sense that it is a very dumb thing to mess with baseline health via injecting toxins into the body in general, but more so on a planet where rising and falling solar energies (electricity) so profoundly affect biological systems a priori.



What's the name of that Russian gal who makes the very compelling argument that "smallpox" is a catch-all term (like "influenza" or "cold" or "cancer") for a variety of ill health conditions that manifest as skin eruptions? Can't dig it out of my wetware at the moment.

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Looking forward to you and Suzanne speaking with Vaccine Choice Canada and Canada Health Alliance later today.

Thank you for all your work.

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Solid Gold evidence as usual Roman!

Florence Nightingale was new to me in this regard..

I know she was an early advocate of clean water and clean hands etc.

Was she against Vaccination per se or indifferent to it?

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Wow Roman, you just can't get enough from the virus and contagion hoaxes now, can you? ;)

Essential watching: https://odysee.com/@katie.su:7/thetruthaboutsmallpox:9.

There is no smallpox virus.

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Viruses are a hoax

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Thank you for publishing. I’ll share.

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Great article. We’re going through same thing with the Global Warming Hoax…

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I know that smallpox isn't caused by a virus. My best guess because information about the real cause of smallpox is not known. It could be arsenic poisoning

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